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0001名無しさん@涙目です。(禿) [CN]
垢版 |
2019/04/25(木) 05:48:56.43ID:3+0JAauN0?PLT(13000)

Assad政権系の新聞Al Watanによれば、米国の制裁が原因でイランから同政権への“クレジットライン”が停止されたため、深刻な燃料不足に陥っていると。

Government controlled Syrian newspaper Al-Watan has disclosed in an April 17 article that
the serious shortage of fuel Syria is facing is the outcome of Iran halting a credit line to Syria since October 15,
2018 under pressure from U.S. sanctions.

Al-Watan also added in this "unprecedented disclosure" that no oil tanker has reached Syrian ports during the past six months.
Previously, other reports has mentioned Egypt being responsible for not allowing Iranian
tankers to pass through the Suez Canal to reach Syria.

Referring to long lines of cars outside Syrian gas stations during the past week,
Al-Watan pointed out that Syria needs 4.5 million litters (1.2 million gallons) of
gasoline and 6 million litters (1.6 million gallons) of diesel every day and the government needs an estimated 8 million dollars every daily to provide fuel.

It is not clear what "credit line" from Iran exactly means. If Iran was providing such an amount of oil for free,
it would mean that Tehran spent much more money in Syria in the past several years than it has ever admitted.

0003名無しさん@涙目です。(千葉県) [EU]
垢版 |
2019/04/25(木) 05:50:20.51ID:7ZFlouD90
0004名無しさん@涙目です。(catv?) [HK]
垢版 |
2019/04/25(木) 05:53:56.37ID:zX/orblN0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
