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0001名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) [JP]
垢版 |
2019/04/19(金) 22:43:02.69ID:g7ag7dNC0?PLT(19081)

YORK COUNTY, S.C. - Three separate departments are investigating after authorities said
two people were killed and another was injured after a dangerous high-speed chase along
Interstate 77 ended in a fiery crash in York County.

Chopper 9 Skyzoom was overhead Thursday afternoon as a stolen red Toyota Prius swerved
in and out of traffic, putting lives in danger before losing control, hitting a tree and bursting into flames.

Officials said two people in the car died and another was taken to the hospital.
Investigators said the suspects made some bad decisions that ultimately led to the pursuit with troopers.

The Prius primarily traveled on I-77 but got off at several exits.
“Officers deactivated their emergency equipment and did not pursue the vehicle,” CMPD said in a news release.
“The aviation unit followed the vehicle into South Carolina, where (state Highway Patrol) responded.”

Troopers spotted the Prius on I-77 when it crossed into South Carolina and tried to pull
it over but, again, the driver would not stop.
Chopper 9 captured the dangerous moments as the car swerved in and out of traffic on I-77 just after 4:15 p.m.
At one point, troopers tried to box the car in against a guardrail, but the driver managed to get away.
0002名無しさん@涙目です。(宮城県) [US]
垢版 |
2019/04/19(金) 22:44:01.30ID:cAwv1Adi0
0004名無しさん@涙目です。(関東・甲信越) [US]
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2019/04/19(金) 22:45:38.50ID:5x6/Lyg6O
0007名無しさん@涙目です。(やわらか銀行) [ニダ]
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2019/04/19(金) 23:02:46.77ID:T/6OXjBM0
0008名無しさん@涙目です。(家) [ニダ]
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2019/04/19(金) 23:07:26.27ID:XMltl8Hp0
0010名無しさん@涙目です。(新疆ウイグル自治区) [US]
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2019/04/19(金) 23:10:01.08ID:YBCC4KmT0
0011名無しさん@涙目です。(庭) [US]
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2019/04/19(金) 23:18:18.45ID:cqj/6Yq/0
アメリカで警察とカーチェースした場合逃げ道がなくなって渋々警察に捕まる時 車から手を上げて出てこなかったら銃殺されるらしい!
0012名無しさん@涙目です。(北海道) [US]
垢版 |
2019/04/19(金) 23:27:02.00ID:hL0XstKI0
          _,,..-ニニニ二~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^广 ゙̄''''''―ー-....,,_
        ..ィニ宀゙万'´  ゙゙゙̄宀a__   −一―‐'''''''''''''''' ̄ ̄ ̄''''''''ー=-_,,_
      ,ノ/   .聿      ! ゙゙ヘa    ''ー.._               ゙''ーー-__
    __,/'斗    /什      |!   lト     ゛ー 、                 ゙゙'''‐__
  /"´ 〈j广   ノ什      │ _/         _っ,,___,,.........---−‐‐'''''''' ̄ ̄ ̄ l丿
  −--r'―――'ノ―――――‐―''        _..-'''"ン'''|^                lU
 ||      ,,...│      ,,  |        /  ‐"   |         __...--....-一''''ヽ|!
 l/>     −1      ヽU       ヽ  '     l---一‐‐'''' ̄´  /‐l1  .....-小
 ll!rヘ,     │      " /    /''ヽ   '、ヽ    1 ....---'ー宀........--‐‐''1 1  !ノl
 下llヽl     |       ./      ノ    1U    |冖'' ̄  l  l     l ! 丿 │
  ヘlィイ〉     l       /     −     い    │     l  1 _,,....-┘ _,,/  〉
   llソヘ`ー..、  1     / /'''''''‐ 、−‐---........,,ノ二ニ二,,⊥       `´__....-‐''" __..−"亅
   `ー-‐'`ーこー冫     │ ,−''''\       '、     ^ー......--一''''"´_.....-‐''''"    !
         ゙ー.._゛ー 、 │| l ,..- 、 ゙ 、      !      __........-‐‐''"´        丿
            `ー.._ ゙'''││1ヽ/`'、゙、      1   ̄ ̄´             _..-‐ン'´
              `ー..│|」..ン!_,/゙、 '、     │            _.....-''_彡‐"
                  ̄ll__/┌-│ l;--.....__  !       __.....-;;_彡-‐''"´
0013名無しさん@涙目です。(庭) [ニダ]
垢版 |
2019/04/19(金) 23:37:57.11ID:q3K+tEE80
0014名無しさん@涙目です。(兵庫県) [KR]
垢版 |
2019/04/19(金) 23:38:11.85ID:gz3uphp30
0015名無しさん@涙目です。(禿) [US]
垢版 |
2019/04/19(金) 23:39:44.18ID:P1s49wGJ0
0016名無しさん@涙目です。(大阪府) [US]
垢版 |
2019/04/19(金) 23:51:34.25ID:Xt1CaShB0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
