
1)"I have always thought that the Tokyo Olympics are a huge waste of money
 and holding them in July / August, at the peak of Japanese summer in Tokyo, is utter insanity.
So, the idea of holding the marathon in Sapporo is, in and of itself, not a bad idea."


2)"That said, the manner in which this was handled is the ultimate in arrogance.
This is not foreign management style, but imperious, dictatorial behavior."

 ■語法:arrogance傲慢/imperious 横柄/
4)"This idea that the decision is final is absurd!!"

 ■語法:absurd 道理に合わない

5)"with less than a year to go until the Olympics, it is unrealistic that the IOC could move the Olympics."

7)"I despise the imperious arrogance of the IOC. They are beneath contempt."

 ■語法:beneath contempt 最低の、軽蔑にも値しない、取るに足らない