2017/07/30 02:43

「デイヴ・エドモンズのベスト・ソング 10」を米Ultimate Classic Rockが発表

「デイヴ・エドモンズ(Dave Edmunds)のベスト・ソング 10」を米クラシック・ロック系サイトUltimate Classic Rockが発表

10. “Cheap Talk, Patter and Jive”
From: ‘Twangin’ (1981)

9. “A.1. on the Jukebox”
From: ‘Tracks on Wax 4′ (1978)

8. “Deborah”
From: ‘Tracks on Wax 4′ (1978)

7. “In the Land of the Few”
From: ‘Forms and Feelings’ (1969)

6. “Heart of the City”
From: ‘Tracks on Wax 4′ (1978)

5. “Sweet Little Lisa”
From : ‘Repeat When Necessary’ (1979)

4. “Here Comes the Weekend”
From: ‘Get It’ (1977)

3. “Crawling from the Wreckage”
From : ‘Repeat When Necessary’ (1979)

2. “Trouble Boys”
From : ‘Tracks on Wax 4′ (1978)

1. “Girls Talk”
From: ‘Repeat When Necessary’ (1979)

