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2017/12/05(火) 12:17:33.15
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              l h「¬h <日本語くらいわかれよアニ豚声豚基地外屑ニートのID:RH7HOye50

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2017/12/05(火) 16:51:29.73ID:fD28Q8SJ
えぇっ!? ここでブイモンキーかい?

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2017/12/05(火) 16:51:31.88ID:8TIB9iEb
The national security and public-safety risk assessment
(ii) National security and public-safety information. The United States expects foreign governments to provide information about whether persons who seek entry to this country p
ose national security or public-safety risks. The criteria assessed in this category include whether the country makes availa
ble, directly or indirectly, known or suspected terrorist and c
riminal-history information upon request, whether the country provides passport and national-identity document exemplars, and whether the country impedes the United States Government'
s recei>>374
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e described in subsection (c) of this section. The assessment focused, in particular, on identity management, security and public-safety threats, and national security risks.
Through this assessment, the agencies measured each country's performance w香 菊 イ:::::::::::::
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(i) Identity-management information. The United States expects foreign governments to provide the information needed to determine whether individuals seeking benefits under
the immigration laws are who they claim to be. The identity-management information category focuses on the integrity of documents required for travel to the United States.
The criteria assessed in this category include whether the country issues electronic passports embedded with data to enable confirmation of identity, reports lost and stolen pa
ssports to appropriate entities, and makes available upon request identity-related information not included in its passports.
pt of information about passengers and crew traveling to the United States>>846

(iii) National security and public-safety risk assessment. category focuses on national security risk indicators. The criteria a
ssessed in this category include whether the country is a known or potential terrorist safe haven, whether it is a participant in the Visa Waiver Program established under section 217
of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1187, that meets all of its requirements, and whether it regularly fails to receive its nationals subject to final orders of removal from the United States.

(d) The Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Department of State, collected data on the performance of all foreign governments and assessed each country agai
nst the baselinith respect to issuing reliable travel documents and implementing adequate identity-management and inform
ation-sharing protocols and procedures, and evaluated terrorism-related and public-safety risks associated with foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States from each country.

(e) The Department of Homeland Security evaluated each country against the baseline described in subsection (c) of this section. The Secretary of Homeland Security identified 16 countrie
s as being "inadequate" based on an analysis of their identity-management protocols, information-sharing practices, and risk factors. Thirty-one additional coun
tries were classified "at risk" of becoming "inadequate" based on those criteria.

countries agreed to share information on known or suspected terrorists.>>848
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2017/12/05(火) 16:51:43.31ID:KO1qT37b
. ノシ 
(´・ω・`) わしのS助かるのけ?
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2017/12/05(火) 16:51:48.77ID:kSNj6c++
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2017/12/05(火) 16:51:59.41ID:eMPyCfCI

いつになったら まともなea出きんだよ
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2017/12/05(火) 16:52:11.45ID:Xyn4eUFD

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2017/12/05(火) 16:52:16.50ID:rR7VuSW5
The Protecting Power shall be informed of any transfers and evacuations as soon as they have taken place.
The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers
of wking of all institutions devoted to the care and education of children.
The Occupying Power shall take all necessary steps to facilitate the identification of children and the registration of

Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country,
occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.>>305

Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security
of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. Such evacuations may not involve the displacement
of protected persons outside the bounds of the occupied territory except when for material reasons
it is impossible to avoid such displacement. Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes
as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased.>>307
The Occupying Power undertaking such transfers or evacuations shall ensure, to the greatest practicable extent,
that proper accommodation is provided to receive the protected persons, that the removals are effected
in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, health, safety and nutrition, and that members of the same family are not separated.
heir parentage. It may not, in any case, change their personal status, nor enlist them in formations or organizations subordinate to it.
Should the local institutions be inadequate for the purpose, the Occupying Power shall make arrangements for the
maintenance and education, if possible by persons of their own nationality, language and religion, of children
who are orphaned or separated from their parents as a result of the war and who cannot be adequately cared for by a near relative or friend.
A special section of the Bureau set up in accordance with Article 136 [ Link ] shall be responsible for taking
all necessary steps to identify children whose identity is in doubt. Particulars of their parents or other near relatives should always be recorded if available.
The Occupying Power shall not hinderof any preferential measures in regard to food, medical
care and protection against the effects of war, which may have been adopted prior to the occupation in favour
of children under fifteen years, expectant mothers, and mothers of children under seven years.
The Occupying Power may not compel protected persons to serve>>308

in its armed or auxiliary forces. No pressure or propaganda which aims at securing voluntary enlistment is permitted.
The Occupying Power may not compel protected persons to work unless they are over eighteen years of age,
and then only on work which is necessary either for the needs of the army of occupation, or for the public utility
services, or for the feeding, sheltering, clothing, transportation or health of the population of the occupied country.
Protected persons may not be compelled to undertake any work which would involve them in the obligation of taking part in military operations.
The Occupying Power may not compel protected persons to employ forcible means to ensure the security
of the installations where they are performing compulsory labour.>>310

The work shall be carried out only in the occupied territory where the persons whose services have been requisitioned are.
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2017/12/05(火) 16:52:28.58ID:uJlfAPnl
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2017/12/05(火) 16:52:44.83ID:fD28Q8SJ
えぇっ!? ここで究極ブイモンキーかい?

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2017/12/05(火) 16:52:58.64ID:/Xo/Dd6L
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2017/12/05(火) 16:53:02.90ID:rR7VuSW5
前:東In Executive Order 13780 of March 6, 2017 (Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States), on the
recommendations of the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General, I ordered a worldwide review of whether, and if so>>753

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tionals seeking to enter the United States pose a security or safety threat. This was the first such review of its kind in United States history. As part of the review, the Secretary of Home
land Security established global requirements for information sharing in support of immigration screening and vetting. The Secretary of Homeland Security developed a comprehensive set of cr
iteria and applied it to the information-sharing practices, policies, and capabilities of foreig. The Secretary of State thereafteiewed in an effort to address deficiencies and a
chieve improvements. In many instances, those efforts produced positive results. By obtaining additionalmmitments from foreign governments, the United States Government has improve
d its capacity and ability to assess whether foreign nationals attempting to enter the United States pose a security or safety threat. Our Nation is safer as a result of this work.

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Despite those efforts, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, has determined that a small number of countries -- out of nearly 200 evaluated -- r
emain deficient at this time with respect to their identity-management and information-sharing capabilities, protocols, and practices. In some cases, these countries also have a significant terrorist presence within their territory.

As President, I must act to protect the security and interests of the United States and its people. I am committed to our ongoing efforts to engage those countries willing to
cooperate, improve information-sharing and identity-management protocols ad I commend them for these efforts.
But until they satisfactorily address the identified inadequacies, I have decurity and other members of my Cabinet, to impose certain conditional restrictions and limitations, as set forth more fully b
elow, on entry into the United States of nationals of the countries identified in section 2 of this proclamation.
Code, hereby find that, absent the measures set forth in
this proclamation, the immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of persons described in section 2 of this proclamation would be detrimental to the interests of the
United States, and that their entry should be subject to certain restrictions, limitations, and exceptions. I therefore hereby proclaim the following:

Section 1. Policy and Purpose. (a) It is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks and other public-safety threats. Screening and vetting protocols a
nd procedures associated with visa adjudications and other immigration processes play a critical role in implementing that policy. They enhance our ability to detect foreign nationals who may commit, aid, or support acts
of terrorism, or otherwise pose a safety threat, and they aid our efforts to prevent such individuals from entering the United States.
山奈央[なおぼう] 投稿日:2017/12/05(火) 01:37:46.15

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2017/12/05(火) 16:53:04.29ID:/PRHTn/P
えぇっ!? ここで究極ブイモンキーかい?

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2017/12/05(火) 16:53:25.74ID:/PRHTn/P
えぇっ!? ここで究極ブイモンキーかい?

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2017/12/05(火) 16:53:35.02ID:RnTjeLpr
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2017/12/05(火) 16:53:38.35ID:xDP5FKM8
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2017/12/05(火) 16:53:39.49ID:I04vmw66
頭持ち 口内射精 喉の奥


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2017/12/05(火) 16:53:49.07ID:XX67TC6/
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2017/12/05(火) 16:53:59.46ID:yYP2ErsT
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2017/12/05(火) 16:54:08.75ID:2EkyrUoY
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2017/12/05(火) 16:54:22.83ID:Xyn4eUFD
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2017/12/05(火) 16:54:23.26ID:rR7VuSW5
On September 15, 2017, the Secretary of Homeland Security submitted a report to me recommending entry restrict
ions and limitations o>>865
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 acies and risks so that the restrictions and limitations imposed by this proclamation ma
y be relaxed or removed as soon ./   ヽ、\__ノ( (( 
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 an, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. The Secretary of Homeland Security also assesses that Iraq did not meet the baseline, but that
entry restrictions and limitations under a Presidential proclamation are not warranted. The Secretary of Homeland Security recommends, however, that nationals o
f Iraq who seek to enter the United States be subject to additional scrutiny to determine if they pose risks to the national security or public safety of the
United States. In reaching these           | ヽ`- ○- ´ /  ヽ  |
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(g) The Secretary of Homeland Security assesses that the following countries continue to have "inadequate" identity-management protocols, information-sharing practices
, and risk factors, with respect to the baseline1 名奈央[なおぼsubsection (c) of this section, such that entry restrictions and limitations are recommended:
Chd the democratically elected government of Iraq, the strong United States diplomatic presence in Iraq, the significant presence of United States forces
in Iraq, and Iraq's commitment to combating the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

(h) Section 2(e) of Executive Order 13780 directed the Secretary of Homeland Security to "submit to the President a list of countries recommended for inclu
sion in a Presidential procう] 投 described in lamation that would prohibit the entry of appropriate categories of foreign nationals of countries that have not provided the informa
tion requested until they do so or until the Secretary of Homeland Security certifies that the country has an adequate plan to do so, or has adequately sha
ren certain nationals of 7 countries determined to be "inade
quate" in providing such information and 水伊in light of other factors discusse
d in the report. According to the rep前:東山ort, the recommended restrictions would help address the threats that the countries' identity-management protocols
, information-sharing inadequacies, and other risk factors pose to the security and welfare of the United States. The restrictions also encourage the co
untries to work wi歳して声th the United States to address tho
se inadequas possible.
red foreiy-specific restrictions that would be most likely to encourage cooperation given each country's distinct circumstances, and that wou
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2017/12/05(火) 16:54:29.17ID:fD28Q8SJ
   / \ ,, /\
  /  (●)  (●)  ブイモンキーしないじゃん。    
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2017/12/05(火) 16:54:33.29ID:G5/4B2Ra


■■■ 全部売れ!  ■■■
■■■ 全部売れ!  ■■■
■■■ 全部売れ!  ■■■

Nobel Prizes and Laureates Robert J. Shiller
■■■ 「株式市場の自己陶酔」を警戒すべき■■■

Professor of Harvard Kennedy School Jeffrey Frankel
■■■ 近いうちに大幅調整が来る■■■

■■■ 北朝鮮と「衝突近づく」■■■

President Trump said he stands ready to “totally destroy” North Korea.
垢版 |
2017/12/05(火) 16:55:07.47ID:kSNj6c++
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2017/12/05(火) 16:55:17.07ID:6U5t2SP4
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2017/12/05(火) 16:55:17.81ID:RnTjeLpr
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2017/12/05(火) 16:55:23.67ID:KO1qT37b
. ノシ 
(´・ω・`) すまんの。つかおまいどこのハゲの骨やねん。
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2017/12/05(火) 16:55:30.24ID:rR7VuSW5
◎-◎一distinguish between the entry >>408

igrants generally receive more extensive vetti
ng than nonimmigrants, such vetti

陽子[ひよっち] 投稿日:2017/12/05(火) 06:01:09.08
:::::::::::/           ヽ::::::::::::
ry of nationals of 7 countries found to be  ゚∀゚)o彡゜ ◆NRN/cwith respect to the baseli
ne described in subsection (c) of this section: Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria
, Venezuela, and Yeme:::::::::::|  で  地  抜  美  前  ノ:::::::::::
:::::::::::/  い  香 菊 イ:::::::::::::
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(ii) After reviewing the Secretary of Homeland Security's report of September 15, 20
17, and accounting for the foreign policy, national security, and counterterrorism objectives of the United States, I have determined to restrict and limit the ent
n. These restrictions of immigrants and nonimmigrants. Persons admitted on immigrant visas become lawful p
ermanent residents of the United States. Such persons may present national security or public-safety concerns that may be distinct from those admitted as noni
mmigrants. The United St汚  i::::::::::::
:::::::::::.ゝ ates affords lawful permanent residents more endu
ring rights than it does to nonimmigrants. Lawf
|( ̄`'  )/ / ,..    ( ε   (∴←(AR0PM
`ー---―' / '(__ )  ul permanent residents are more diff
icult to remove than nonim>>410
migrants even after national security concerns arise, which heightens the costs and dangers of errors associated with admitting such
individuals. And although immng is less reliable when the country from which s
omeone seeks to emigrate exhibits significant gaps in its identity-manage
ment or information-sharing policies, or presents risks to the national security of the
United States. For all but one of those 7 countries, therefore, I am restricting the entry of all immigrants.
    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
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(iii) I am adopting a more tailored approach with respect to nonimmigrants, in accordance with the recommendations of the Secretary of Homeland Security. F
or some countries found to be "inadequate" with respect to the baseline describ
ed in subsection (c) of this section, I am restricting the entry of all nonim
migrants. For countries with certain mitigating factors, such as a willingness to c

ooperate or play a substantial role in combatting terrorism, I am restricting the
entry only of certain categories of nonimmigrants, which will mitigate the security th
reats presented by their entry int_人
ニ __l___ノ    (-◎-◎一
/ ̄ _  | i     ( (_ _) ヽ____
====( i)==::::/   o the United States. In those cases in which fut
ure cooperation seems reasonably likely, and accounting for foreign policy, national secu
rity, and counterterrorism objectives, I have tailored the restrictions to encourage such improvements.

(i) Section 2(e) of Executive Order 13780 also provi
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2017/12/05(火) 16:56:03.29ID:INPW08PO
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2017/12/05(火) 16:56:20.86ID:r8sxG1xA
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2017/12/05(火) 16:56:23.66ID:M12raZzw
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2017/12/05(火) 16:56:29.42ID:rR7VuSW5
名子[っち] 投稿日笠陽:2017/ひよ12/051:09.08
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|( ̄`'  )/ / ,..    ( ε   (∴゚∀゚)o彡゜ >>450(ii) The ent←( ry into the United States of nationals of Chad, as immigrants, and
as nonimmigrants on business (B-1), tourist (B-2), and business/tourist (B-1/B-2) visas, is hereby suspended.

(b) Iran. >>451

(i) Iran regularly fails前:日 to cooperate wi ' ● ' ニ 、 th the United States Government in identifying security risks, fails to satisfy at least one key risk criterion, is
the source of significant terrorist thr:::::::: 美  前  ノ:::::::::::
:::::::::::/  い  香 菊 eats, and fails to receive its nationals subject to final orders of removal from the United States. The Department
of State has also designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism.

(ii) The entry into the United States of .ゝ 抜 nationals of Iran as immigrants and as nonimmigrants is hereby suspended, except that entry by such
nationals under val 汚  i::::::::::::
:::::  |   た    id student (F and M) and exchange visitor (J) visas is not suspended, although such individuals should be subject to enhanced screening and vetting requirements.

(c) L 。||-i、  ..    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/. ibya.>>452

(i) The government of Libya is an important and valuable counterterrorism partner of the United States, and the United States Governm
ent looks forward to expanding on that cooperation, including in the areas of immigration and border management. Libya, nonetheless, faces
significant challenges i。ヽn sharing several types of information, including public-safety and terrorism-related information necessary for the prot
ection of the national security and public safety oヽ:::i       /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;f the United States. Libya also has significant inadequacies in its identity-management protoco
ls. Further, Libya fails to satisfy at least one key risk criterion and has been assessed to be not fully cooperative with respect to receiving its nation
als subject to final orders of removal from the United States. The substantial terrorist presence within Libya's territory amplifies the risks posed by the entry into the United States of its nationals.

(ii) The entry into the United States of nationals of Libya, as immigrants, and as nonimmigrants on business (B-1), tourist (B-2), and
business/tourist (B-1/B-2) visas, is hereby suspende (____人
ニ __l_d.
(d) Nort>>454 Korea. ::_|/` 

(i) North Korea does not cooperate with the United States Government in any respect and fails to satisfy all information-sharing requirements.

(ii) The entry into the United States of nationals of North Korea as immigrants and nonimmigrants is hereby suspended.

(e) S>>456yria.

(i) Syria regularly fails to cooperate with the United States Government in identifying security risks, is the source of significant terrorist threats, and h
as been designated by the Department of State as a state sponsor of terrorism. Syria has significant inadequacies in identity-management proto
cols, fails to share public-safety and terrorism information, and fails to satisfy at least one key risk criterion.

(ii) The entry into the United States of nationals of Syria as immigrants and nonimmigrants is hereby suspended.

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2017/12/05(火) 16:56:32.92ID:1930Zm/C
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2017/12/05(火) 16:56:59.32ID:OEROjDid
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2017/12/05(火) 16:57:02.82ID:Uj6CyOeD
(´・ω・`)・ω・`) キャー
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2017/12/05(火) 16:57:03.28ID:CRz6IVSZ
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2017/12/05(火) 16:57:03.86ID:rR7VuSW5
ational securitfic, Penal and Criminal Investigation Service Corps; the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service; and the Minist
ry of the Popular Power for Foreign Re1 名前奈う]_
           ./, - 、, - 投日:201/057:東山:46
             ___ 、   ̄ ヽ
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(i) Venezuela has adopted many of the baseline standards identified by the Secretary of Homeland Securit
y and in section 1 of this proclamation, but its government is uncooperative in verifying whether its citizens
pose ny or public-safety threats. Venezuela's government fails to share public-safety and ter
rorism-related information の浴adeq水伊uately, fails to satisfy at least one key risk criterion, and has been assessed t
o be not fully cooperative with respect to receiving its nationaなおls subject to final orders of removal from the U
nited States. There are, ho>>475
>>478wever, alternative sources for obtaining information to verify the citizenship and id
entity of nationals from Vい歳enezuela. As a result, the restrictions imposed by this proclamation focus on govern
ment officials of Venezu
ela who are responsible for the identified inadequacies.

(ii) Notwithstanding section 3(b)(v) of this proclamation, the entry into the United States of officials of
agencies of Venezuela involved in screening and vetting procedures -- including the Ministry of the Popular Pow
er for Interior, Justice and Peace; the Administrative Service of Identification, Migration and Immigration; the Scie
ns -- and their immediate family members, as nonimmigrants on busine
ss (B-1), tourist (B-2), and business/tourist (B-1/B-2) visas, is hereby suspended. Further, nationals of Venezuela
who are visa holders >>471
should be subject to appropriate additional measures to ensure traveler information remains current.

(g) Yemen.

(i) The government of Yemen is an important and valuable counterterrorism partner, and the United States
Government looks forward to expanding that cooperation, including in the areas of immigration and border management.
Yemen, nonetheless, faces significant identity-management challenges, which are amplified by the notable terrorist presence within its territory.
The government of Yemen fails to satisfy critical identity-management requirements, does not share public-safety
and terrorism-related information adequately, and fails to satisfy at least one key risk criterion.

(ii) The entry into the United States of nationals of Yemen as immigrants, and as nonimmigrants on business (B-1),
tourist (B-2), and business/tourist (B-1/B-2) visas, is hereby suspended.

(h) Somalia.
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2017/12/05(火) 16:57:19.06ID:KO1qT37b
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(´・ω・`) 毎日これかよ。ロンカスも好きねぇ。
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ries in the degree to which its government lacks command and control of its territory, which greatly limits
the effectiveness of its national capabilities in a variety of respects. Terrorists use under-governed areas in
northern, central日
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(i) The Secretary of Homeland Security's report of September 15, 2017, determined tha
t Somalia satisfies the information-sharing requirements of the baseline described in section 1(
c) of this proclamation. But several other considerations support imposing entry restrictions and
limitations on Somalia. Somalia has significant identity-management deficiencies. For example,
while Somalianited States and many other countries do not
recognize it. A persistent terrorist threat also emanates from Somalia's territory. The United Stat
es Govern>>505ment has identified Somalia as a terrorist safe haven. Somalia stands apart from other count
, and southern Somalia as safe havens from which to plan, facilitate, and conduct their operations. S
omalia also remains a destination for individuals attempting to join terrorist groups that threaten the national security o
f the United States. The Stports on Terrorism observed that Somalia has not sufficient
ly degraded the ability of terrorist groups to plan and mount attacks from its territory. Further, despite having made signific
ant progress toward formally federating its member states, and its willingness to fight terrorism, Somalia continues to struggl
e to provide the governance needed to limit terrorists' freedom of movement, access to resources, and capacity to operate. The
government of Somalia's lack of territorial control also comp
romises Somalia's ability, already limited because of poor recordkeeping, to share information about its nationals who pose criminal
or terrorist risks. As a result of these and other factors, Somalia presents special concerns that distinguish it from other countries.

(ii) The entry into the United States of nationals of Somalia as immigrants is hereby suspended. Additionally, visa adjudications for n
ationals of Somalia and decisions regarding their entry as nonimmigrants should be subject to additional scrutiny to determine if applica
nts are connected to terrorist organizations or otherwise pose a threat to the national security or public safety of the United States.

Sec. 3. Scope and Implementation of Suspensions and Limitations. (a) Scope. Subject to the exceptions set forth in subsection (b) of this
section and any waiver under subsection (c) of this section, the suspensions of and limitations on entry pursuant to section 2 of this proclam
ation shall apply only to foreign nationals of the designated countries who:
(i) are outside the United States on the applicable effective date under section 7 of this proclamation;

(ii) do not have a valid visa on the applicable effective date under section 7 of this proclamation; and

(iii) do not qualify for a visa or other valid travel document under section 6(d) of this proclamation.
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2017/12/05(火) 12:17:33.15
who already have permanent residence will not have to pay to apply for settled status.
Those making a first time application for the right to stay after Brexit, however, will face a charge - reportedly similar to the cost of applying for a passport.
Settled status will grant those who have spent five years in the UK equal rights on healthcare, education, benefits and pensions to British citizens.
Ministers have already suggested people legally resident in the UK before an as yet unspecified cut-off date

Leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg said that the Conservatives were "as one" with the DUP on the importance of keeping the United Kingdom together,
and the mood among Tory MPs in the meeting was "contented, not divisive or unhappy".
抜  美 
Backbench Remain supporter Anna Soubry said no Conservative MP wanted Northern Ireland treated differently from the rest of the UK, which she said would be "a gift" to the Scottish National Party.
The "simple solution" would be for the whole of the UK to remain in the single market and customs union, she added.
Lib Dem Brexit spokesman Tom Brake said: "As each day goes by, it becomes clearer that the best deal for everyone is to stay in Europe.

On the "divorce bill", the UK is understood to have recently increased its offer, which could be worth up to 50bn euros (£44bn).
Reality Check: How do you work out the Brexit bill?
On the issue of rights for the three million EU citizens in Britain, the UK has agreed that those
will be allowed to stay and they want to make the process "as easy as renewing a driving licence".
Brexit: All you need to know

 :::::::::::/           ヽ::::::::::::                :::::::::::|  で  地  汚  i::::::::::::

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyne real reason for today's failure is the grubby deal the government did with the DUP after the election."
 He added that "Labour has been clear from the outset that we need a jobs-first Brexit deal that works for the whole of the United Kingdom".
Scottish First Minister Nicola Snd was allowed to operate under different rules there was "surely no good practical reason" why other parts of the UK could not do
the same - a message echoed by Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones and London Mayor Sadiq Khan.
Conservative MPs emerging from a Downing Street briefing on the talks said they had been told Mrs May had not agreed the proposal on regulatory alignment put forward by the Irish government.
The people of the UK must be given a vote on the deal and an opportunity to exit from Brexit."
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UK political reaction

Where the talks are at
 The EU says it will only recommend the start of talks about future trade arrangements when it deems "sufficient progress"
has been made on three issues - the status of expat citizens, the "divorce" bill and the Northern Ireland border.
The UK has been set a deadline of this week to come forward with an improved offer on them,
and hopes that the go-ahead for future talks will then be given at an EU leaders' summit on 14-15 December.
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2017/12/05(火) 16:59:44.10ID:GVqyTFDP
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茅野愛衣[かやのん] 投稿日:2017/12/05(火) 12:17:33.15
              「 ̄ ̄了
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(C) the foreign national seeks to enter the United States for significant business or
professional obligations and the denial of entry would impair those obligations;

(D) the foreign national seeks to enter the United States to visit or reside with a close f
amily member (e.g., a spouse, child, or parent) who is a United States citizen, lawful permanent
resident, or alien lawfully admitted on a valid nonimmigrant visa, and the denial of entry would
cause the foreign national undue hardship;

(E) the foreign national is an infant, a young child or adoptee, an individual needing urgent medical
care, or someone whose entry is otherwise justified by the special circumstances of the case;
F) the foreign national has been employed by, or on behalf of, the United States Government
(or is an eligible dependent of such an employee), and the foreign national can document that he or she h
as provided faithful and valuable service to the United States Government;       / ̄ ̄\__,ト、Д/____
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(iii) Unless otherwise specified by the Secretary of Homeland Security
, any waiver issued by a consular officer as part of the visa adjudication process will
be effective both for the issuance of a visa and for any subsequent entry on that visa,
but will leave unchanged all other requirements for admission or entry.
(iv) Case-by-case waivers may not be granted categorically, but may be appropriate,
subject to the limitations, conditions, and requirements set forth under subsection (i)
of this subsection and the guidance issued under subsection (ii) of this subsection, in individual circumstances such as the following:

(A) the foreign national has previously been admitted to the United States for a
continuous period of work, study, or other long-term activity, is outside the United States
on the applicable effective date under section 7 of this proclamation, seeks to reenter
the United States to resume that activity, and the denial of reentry would impair that activity;

G) the foreign national is traveling for purposes related to an international organization designate
d under the International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA), 22 U.S.C. 288 et seq., traveling for purposes of conducting
meetings or business with the United States Government, or traveling to conduct business on behalf of an international organization not designated under the IOIA;
(H) the foreign national is a Canadian permanent resident who applies for a visa at a location within Canada;

(I) the foreign national is traveling as a United States Government-sponsored exchange visitor; or

(J) the foreign national is traveling to the United States, at the request of a United States Governmen
t department or agency, for legitimate law enforcement, foreign policy, or national security purposes.
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奈稿日:2017/12/05(火) 01:37:46.15
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oclamation, and every 180 days thereafter, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of St
ate, the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, and other appropriate heads of agencies, shall submit a r|。  |――-、 ヽ
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Sec. 4. Adjustments to and Removal of Suspensions and Limitations. (a)
The Secretary of Homeland Security shall, in consultation with the Secretary of State, devise a process
to assess whether any suspensions and limitations imposed by section 2 of this proclamation should be continued, t
erminated, modified, or supplemented. The process shall account for whether countries have improved their identity-
management and information-sharing protocols and procedures based on the criteria set forth in section 1 of this procl
amation and the Secretary of Homeland Security's report of September 15, 2017. Within 180 days of the date of this pr

eport with recommendations to the President, through appropriate Assistants to the President, regarding the following:

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(i) the interests of the United States, if any, that continue to require the suspension of, or limitations on, the entry on c
ertain classes of nationals of countries identified in section 2 of this proclamation and whether the restrictions and limita
tioals of countries not identified in this proclamation. >>908

(b) The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney Gener
al, the Director of National Intelligence, and the head of any other executive department or agency (agency) that the Secretary of St
ate deems appropriate, shall engage the countries listed in section 2 of this proclamation, and any other countries that have inform
ation-sharing, identity-management, or risk-factor deficiencies as practicable, appropriate, and consistent with the foreign policy, nationa
l security, and public-safety objectives of the United States.>>902

(c) Notwithstanding the process described above, and consistent with the process described in section 2(f) of Executive Order 13780, if
the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Director of National Intelligence
, determines, at any time, that a country meets the standards of the baseline described in section 1(c) of this proclamation, that a country has a
n adequate plan to provide such information, or that one or more of the restrictions or limitations imposed on the entry of a country's nationals are
no longer necessary for the security or welfare of the United States, the Secretary of Homeland Security may recommend to the President the remov
al or modification of any or all such restrictions and limitations. The Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of State, or the Attorney General
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