Alien discovery: ‘GOD-LIKE’ civilisation discovered in deep space - shock claim
A ‘GOD-LIKE’ alien civilisation has been discovered deep in the cosmos, according to an extraterrestrial hunter.

Two alien-like skulls which form from stars and gas have been discovered millions of lightyears away,
and some conspiracy theorists claim it is proof of extremely advanced aliens.
The skulls, which to most people would look like a formation of nebulas, a collection of stars and gasses,
are apparently the highest type of civilisation on the Kardashev scale.
The Kardashev scale is an indicator of how advanced a civilisation is,
and was created by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964 to be used by astronomers to measure a civilisation’s technological advancement.

Earth is a Type 1 that can harbour energy from our Sun,
while a Type 2 would be much more advanced and would be able to use all of the energy from the host star– such as a Dyson Sphere.
A Type 5 civilisation would be able to control and manipulate the universe around it.
The ‘discovery’ was made by prominent UFO hunter Scott C Waring.

He believes the ‘faces’, which were discovered by NASA satellites in the Rosette Nebula and the Carine Nebula, are not nebulae,
but the faces of the most advanced forms of aliens.