【速報】デモ隊がシアトルを占拠し自治区宣言 トランプは即時奪還命令、州兵が動かない場合は陸軍派兵

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0001令和大日本憂国義勇隊(光) [ニダ]
垢版 |
2020/06/12(金) 09:09:55.52?PLT(13345)

★Inside CHAZ: Protesters dance, sing and order vegan pizza in Seattle's six-block Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone where cops are kept out by armed patrol - as Trump brands them 'domestic terrorists' and orders Dems to take back the city NOW
PUBLISHED: 05:15 BST, 11 June 2020 | UPDATED: 21:44 BST, 11 June 2020


・Protesters have taken over a six-block zone in Seattle which they are calling the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)
・Trump called them 'domestic terrorists' and 'ugly anarchists' and ordered Dems to take back control
・While some of the protesters are armed and standing guard at entry checkpoints, the majority are not
・On Wednesday night, they ate free vegan pizza that had been delivered and watched Paris is Burning
・There are free stations giving out sunscreen, hand sanitizer and snacks, and live musical performances
・In Portland, protesters tried briefly to set up their own free zone by moving police fencing
・They played beach ball, flew paper planes over the fence to cops and danced before dispersing at 2am
・The protests come amid growing national distrust of police in the wake of George Floyd's May 25 killing
・Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan told Trump on Thursday to 'go back to your bunker'

Protesters who have formed a free zone in Seattle to keep police out spent the night dancing in the street, dining on free vegan pizza and watching movies under the watch of armed guards,
after being deemed 'domestic terrorists' by a furious President Trump who has ordered Democrats to regain control of the city.

The protesters have formed a six-block area they are now calling CHAZ - Capital Hill Autonomous Zone - in revolt against the police.

There are armed people there but the majority, according to those at the scene, are peaceful. Some Seattle residents say they have walked through the area with their dogs at night and that it is 'more peaceful' than when the National Guard were there.
There are free stations offering sunscreen, hand sanitizer and snacks, and plant and flower gardens have been set up.

On Wednesday night, the occupants voted on a movie to watch in the street. They settled on the 1990 film Paris is Burning. Trump has ordered that the block be dismantled.
0002令和大日本憂国義勇隊(光) [ニダ]
垢版 |

Armed men are seen manning checkpoints controlling entry to the CHAZ. Police say they have received complaints that protesters are demanding cash to enter the zone, and shaking down businesses inside for 'protection money'

A sign is seen on a barrier at an entrance to the so-called "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" on June 10, 2020 in Seattle, Washington

A man carrying an automatic weapon works security at a checkpoint to the so-called "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" on June 10, 2020 in Seattle, Washington


Radical Left Governor
and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!

Domestic Terrorists have taken over Seattle, run by Radical Left Democrats, of course. LAW & ORDER!
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0006海王星(神奈川県) [ニダ]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:11:44.33ID:5t3CGo6O0
0007プランク定数(福岡県) [CL]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:12:08.92ID:SAGglitT0
0008ソンブレロ銀河(埼玉県) [ニダ]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:13:16.13ID:gi2gYRru0
私は命令を下したぞ 何も変わらない!!
0009ソンブレロ銀河(茸) [US]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:13:33.66ID:0wecONKK0
0010エンケラドゥス(東京都) [JP]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:13:41.50ID:TrUWcRK60
中国の工作が入っているだろう 香港デモの仕返しで
0011ニート彗星(千葉県) [ZA]
垢版 |
2020/06/12(金) 09:14:18.42ID:EEFBQiBh0
0015ガニメデ(光) [ニダ]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:14:50.04ID:cZICKSX80
0016ガニメデ(光) [ニダ]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:15:05.08ID:cZICKSX80
0017エンケラドゥス(東京都) [JP]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:15:44.07ID:TrUWcRK60
0018ガニメデ(光) [ニダ]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:16:27.03ID:cZICKSX80
0019エンケラドゥス(東京都) [JP]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:17:04.37ID:TrUWcRK60
0020ガニメデ(光) [ニダ]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:17:28.27ID:cZICKSX80
0022黒体放射(山梨県) [US]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:18:03.46ID:cWdc8yn00
0023ダイモス(茸) [ニダ]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:18:17.22ID:/iM8UBlz0
これはやり過ぎじゃないのか 鎮圧されっぞ(´・ω・`)
0024プランク定数(福岡県) [CL]
垢版 |
2020/06/12(金) 09:18:26.98ID:SAGglitT0
0026冥王星(公衆電話) [US]
垢版 |
2020/06/12(金) 09:19:11.66ID:G3lO8ulF0
0027グレートウォール(東京都) [CA]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:19:15.80ID:WXKfHgqc0
0028アンドロメダ銀河(新日本) [US]
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2020/06/12(金) 09:19:20.64ID:IzEW/zOg0
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