
Toby Keith - Made In America

My old man's that old man (俺たちは先祖代々)
Spent his life living off the land (この土地で暮らしてきた)
Dirty hands and a clean soul (手は土まみれだが心は錦)

Breaks his heart seeing foreign cars (外国車を見ると心が痛む)
Filled with fuel that isn't ours (ガソリンは米国産じゃない)
And wearing cotton we didn't grow (服は俺たちが育てたコットンじゃない)

He's got the red, white, blue flying high on the farm(それでも三色の星条旗を農地に掲げる)
Semper fi tattooed on his left arm(腕には「常に忠実(註:アメリカ海兵隊のモットー)」のタトゥー)
Spends a little more at the store for a tag in the back that says U-S-A(アメリカ製のタグを見つけるまで店で粘るんだ)
Won't buy nothing that he can't fix(修理できないものは買わない)
With WD-40 and a Craftsman wrench(直すときは自慢のWD-40(註:クレ556みたいな潤滑スプレー)とスパナでな)
He ain't prejudiced, he's just(偏見じゃないぜ)
Made in America(彼は真のアメリカ製なんだ)

His wife, she's that wife that decorates on the 4th of July(彼の奥さんも筋金入り)
But says "every day's Independence Day"(「毎日が独立記念日よ」って人さ)
She's golden rule, teaches school(学校では子どもたちに黄金律を叩き込んでる)
Some folks say it isn't cool(中には眉をひそめる親もいるが)
But she says the Pledge of Allegiance anyway(「とにかく忠誠の誓い(註:アメリカの学校では暗記させられる)よ」って言うんだ)

(chorus 繰り返し)

Born in the heartland,(ハートランド(註:中西部のオハイオ、ミシガン、イリノイ、ミネソタ周辺。大体ドイツ系移民が多い)で生まれ)
Raised up a family(家族を育てた)
Of King James and Uncle Sam(欽定訳聖書とアンクルサムで)

(chorus 繰り返し)

Made in America(真のアメリカ製なんだ)
Made in America(真のアメリカ製なんだ)

My old man's that old man (俺たちは先祖代々)
He's made in America(真のアメリカ製なんだ)