Orexia HP (11/13update)
※Orexia: "Orexia is developing oral orexin receptor agonists and positive modulators for the treatment of narcolepsy, a rare neurological condition that affects the brain's ability to regulate the normal sleep-wake cycle"
[About Orexia]: (Change)
Orexia is a biotechnology company focused on development of oral orexin receptor agonists and positive modulators to treat narcolepsy and other neurological disorders.
Orexin, also called ‘hypocretin’, is a key regulator of wakefulness and REM sleep. Orexin has also been implicated in metabolism, behavioral arousal, and mood.
Orexin agonists and positive modulators have the potential to treat a wide range of disorders which are inadequately treated today, most notably Narcolepsy Type 1 (NT1) which is caused by profound loss of orexin-producing neurons.
[Following the science] : (ADD)
NT1 is a chronic rare disease that usually starts during adolescence and is estimated to effect over 3 million people worldwide.
It is characterized by a pentad of symptoms that include excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy, a sudden transient loss of muscle tone that may lead to full body collapse that is usually triggered by strong emotions.
Sleep paralysis, hallucinations upon waking up or falling asleep, and disturbed nighttime sleep may also occur.
For some individuals, related symptoms such as insomnia, weight gain, mood fluctuations, and depression can have a significant debilitating impact on their lives1.
・We are designing orexin agonists and positive modulators which will directly address the underlying disease pathology of NT1 to restore orexin neurotransmission in the brain.
This approach may have the potential for greater efficacy and tolerability than current therapies.
・We plan to investigate whether these compounds might also reduce excessive daytime sleepiness in a wide range of disorders with partially reduced or normal orexin levels,
including Narcolepsy Type 2, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.