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2018/06/13(水) 09:09:48.63
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2018/06/14(木) 04:10:50.99ID:PfCwxm560
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2018/06/14(木) 04:11:07.52ID:8W+D2zVA0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:11:35.70ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> JEANNA: Jeana with Bloomberg Television. You guys moved the median unemployment
forecast for 2020 down to 3.5% but left the longer run at 4.5% today, but you're only forecasting
a moderate overshoot on the fed funds rate beyond your longer-run value. How are you going
to get unemployment from 3.5% up to that 4.5% rate?
>> CHAIRMAN: I would just emphasize that -- a couple things. First, we're learning about
the real location of the natural rate of unemployment as we go, so it's moved down by more
than a full percentage point since 2012, so it's not so simple as thinking, boy, we've just got
to go ahead and get that rate up. If you look at the forecasts, two years from now, end of 2020,
you're still seeing inflation very close to target, so there's no sense that inflation will -- no sense
in our models or in our projections or forecasts that inflation will take off or move unexpectedly
quickly from these levels, even if unemployment does remain low, so that's -- so it's important
to know that the unemployment rate forecasts go with the inflation forecasts and go with the
rate forecasts, and so each person who's submitting them is submitting, you know, appropriate
monetary policy that fits with that person's assessment, and their assessments generally are
to support maximum employment and stable prices around 2%, so if we thought that inflation
were going to take off, obviously, we'd be showing higher rates, but that's not what we think
will happen

>> JEANN A. IF I COULD FOLLOW UP really quickly, why, I guess, would the longer-run rate
not be a lower lower and closer to that 2020 number?
>> CHAIRMAN: Yeah, it may be. It may be. We may find that out. You know, the best
estimate that we have over the longer run is that -- although, you know, there's a range of
views, and some people are in the low fours, and, again, I said the uncertainty bands are, you
know, not quite a full percentage point on either side but 3/4 of a percent, that kind of thing,
so it's very possible. We have to be -- you know, we can't do -- we can't be too attached
to these unobservable variables. I think we have to be practical about the way we think about
these things, and we do that by being grounded in the data and what we see happening in the
real economy
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2018/06/14(木) 04:12:33.12ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:12:35.55ID:oxRc2+cA0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:13:15.15ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> VICTORIA GUIDA: Hi. Victoria. I have a couple of regulatory questions. First of all, on
the counter cyclical counter buffer, I was wondering what are the chances that the Fed is
going to need to use that in the next year or two, and then my second question is there's
been a lot of talk lately in Congress about the ability for banks to serve marijuana businesses,
and I was wondering if you think that banks should be able to serve those businesses in
states where marijuana is legal.
>> CHAIRMAN: So the counter-cyclical capital buffer gives us the ability to raise capital
requirements on the largest institutions when financial stability, vulnerabilities are meaningful
above normal. That's the language that we've used, and that's certainly a possibility. I wouldn't
say that -- I wouldn't look at today's financial stability landscape and say that risks are meaningfully
above normal. I would say that they're roughly at normal. You have, you know, households are well
-- you know, are in good shape. They've paid down their debt, incomes are rising, people have
jobs, so households are not really a concern, and banks are highly capitalized, so that's not really
a concern. We see there's some concern with asset prices in a couple of pockets, but overall,
if you bake it all in, I think we see generally financial vulnerabilities as moderate.
Could that change, you asked, over a couple of years? Yeah, it could. You also asked about
marijuana businesses, so this is a very difficult area because we have state law. Many state laws
permit the use of marijuana, and federal law still doesn't, so it puts, you know, federally chartered
banks in a very difficult situation. I think it would be great if that could be clarified. We don't have
-- you know, it puts the supervisor in a very, very difficult position, and, of course, this isn't our
-- our mandate has nothing to do with marijuana, so, we don't really -- we just would love to
see it clarified, I think
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2018/06/14(木) 04:13:35.78ID:Bpd5ijzK0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:13:46.56ID:fnDDpvjd0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:15:01.02ID:oxRc2+cA0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:15:27.43ID:bFP66xBM0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:15:27.59ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> JOHN HELTMAN: Hi. John Heltman with American Banker. So before you were chairman
of the fed, when you were chair of the supervisory committee, you laid out a sort of regulatory revision
agenda that's actually been pretty consistent, so there was the guidance on boards of governors,
there was some changes to the stress tests, and -- not changes to the stress tests but rather
clarification on the modeling, and now more recently the changes to the enhanced supplemental
leverage ratio. The Fed has also proposed some changes to the focal rule, and as I mentioned
a minute ago, changes to the stress test with the stress capital buffer.
Are these kind of the -- are there any new frontiers of regulatory changes that you are envisioning
or are you just -- are you kind of done for the time being, or what else can we expect from the Fed?
>> CHAIRMAN: It's actually a pretty full docket right now. You mentioned a number of the things,
but I would point out we're having, I guess, a public board meeting tomorrow on the single county party
credit limit provision. We've also got quite a lot of work to promulgate rules to -- after S 2155 that bill
that passed. We've got a lot of work to do under that. We have to think how we would reach below the
$250 million threshold to assess and regulate financial stability risks below that level. So what am I missing?
Oh, net stable funding ratio is out there to be done, so there's a lot of work to do, I think. You know, if I can
just take this opportunity to say, you know, the financial system all but failed ten years ago. We went to
work for ten years to strengthen it. Stronger capital, stronger liquidity, stress testing, resolution planning.
We want to keep all that stuff. We want to make it, you know, even more effective and certainly more
efficient. We want to tailor those regulations for institutions. We want the strongest provisions to apply
to the most systemically important institutions, so we're committed to preserving and enhancing that
structure, but we're finding a lot that we can do in the way of tailoring regulations for the smaller less
systemically important institutions, and that's a lot of what we're working on right now
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2018/06/14(木) 04:16:42.26ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> GREG: Thank you. You said at the beginning of your Press Conference that you planned
to be more plain spoken, and so, okay, I wanted to know what you would say to workers who
are worried that, you know, these path of rate hikes that you've laid out will kind of undercut
the wage growth they are just starting to see. Thank you.
>> CHAIRMAN: You know, I would say that the economy's in great shape. If you look
at household surveys, confidence is high. Look at businesses, confidence is high. If you ask
-- if you survey workers about the job market, they'll say that it's a really good environment
to find jobs. If you survey businesses, they'll say that workers are scarce, so I think overall
we have a really solid economy on our hands here, and so what we're doing is we are trying
to conduct monetary policy in a way that will sustain that expansion, keep the labor markets
strong, and keep inflation above -- right at -- sorry, not above but right at 2%. That's really
what we're trying to do, and, you know, I would say I like the results so far. We've been very,
very careful not to tighten too quickly. I think we've been patient. I think that patience has
born fruit, and I think it continues to. We had a lot of encouragement to go much faster, and
I'm really glad we didn't, but at this time, the -- continuing on that gradual pace seems --
continues to seem like the right thing. If we get a sense that the economy is reacting badly,
then we'll certainly react to that
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2018/06/14(木) 04:17:17.26ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:18:34.57ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> DAVID HARRISON: Hi. David Harrison with Dow Jones. Where do you see the neutral interest
rate is right now? Do you think it's -- do you see it sort of inching up because of the recent fiscal
stimulus measures? And how will you know when we're getting close to that neutral point? So if --
you know, if inflation stays around 2%, doesn't go above 2% for a while, do you see a need to actually
exceed that neutral point?
>> CHAIRMAN: So I would just point you to the range of estimates at the committee, which I
think is 2 1/4 to 3.5, and the median is 2.9, right in there, so that's the range of estimates of the
nominal neutral rate of interest, and we do understand that there's high uncertainty around the
level, but that's kind of -- you can think of 2.9 as being -- which is sort of a full percentage point
away of where Fed funds is going to trade after today's decision.
You asked is the neutral rate moving up because of fiscal policy? Yes. I mean, there should
be in effect -- if you have increased deficits, that should put upward pressure on, you know, a few
tenths, let's say. Again, we're estimating these things. It's one of the unobserved variables. It's
very hard to -- we shouldn't try to speak about it without a lot of precision or confidence, but yes,
that should put upper pressure on it.
How will we know? You've got to look at inflation. You've got to look at all the indicators in
the economy, look at inflation, look at unemployment, look at what's happening in the job market,
and inflation's really important. It's worth noting that the last two business cycles didn't end with
high infileting, they ended with financial instability, so that's something we also need to keep our eye on
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2018/06/14(木) 04:18:36.03ID:6pY8SpKY0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:18:46.04ID:bFP66xBM0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:18:49.09ID:K3o3rS7F0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:19:00.33ID:+okOFQE50
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2018/06/14(木) 04:19:28.44ID:vNtGPvVGa
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2018/06/14(木) 04:20:21.59ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:21:42.02ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> VIRGINIE: Virginie. Have you talked during the meeting about when the fed is going to
remove or change the word "accommodative" that described the monetary policy for almost
ten years? And could this change in the vocabulary make the market nervous? And have you
thought already of some options to know how you're going to call it down the road?
>> CHAIRMAN: Yes, that is something that we discuss. We look at all the language. As you
know, we made a significant number of changes at this meeting. So language gets in the statement,
and then, you know, the economy changes. That's what happens. We really -- our approach to
policy hasn't changed, and, you know, as I mentioned earlier, for a long time the economy has needed
to accommodate the monetary policy. As the economy recovered, we will be at a place relatively
soon when, again, assuming we stay on this path, when interest rates will be in the zone of what
FOMC participants think is roughly neutral, and at that point, it would no longer be accurate for us
to say that the committee thinks that policy is accommodative. We know that's coming. We kind
of don't think it's here yet, but it's certainly coming, and I think the market will understand that.
I mean, the real message is that you're getting close to the neutral rate. It's a characterization
about where policy is, it's not a statement, really, that should upset the markets, but, you know,
we'll obviously discuss it carefully in meetings and communicate about it, so --
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2018/06/14(木) 04:22:29.49ID:W6miKkv4a
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2018/06/14(木) 04:22:50.71ID:tx4YxQ2F0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:23:12.85ID:PfCwxm560
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2018/06/14(木) 04:23:41.49ID:IHiBaBkg0
(Off microphone)
>> Thank you very much. Now it's from the Japan's newspaper. Would you expand
on the -- on your views on the downside risks -- downside risks, especially in regard to
our trade issues? Many people are in the -- key allies of the United States are concerned
that the United States may destabilize the underpinnings of the international order the United
States has created and built up in the post-war environment, so that will, of course, have
a very negative economic implications for the global economy as well as the U.S. economy,
so would you have -- can I have your views on that?
>> CHAIRMAN: Sure. So as I mentioned earlier, I'm really committed to staying in our
lane on things. We have very important jobs assigned to us by Congress, and that's maximum
employment, stable prices, financial stability. Trade is explicitly assigned to the executive branch
by Congress and not to us, so we don't really seek to play a role in trade policy. We're not at
that table. Those powers and decisions are given to others, and so we want to stick to what
we do, and as I mentioned earlier, we do hear from our business contacts, which are extensive
in the United States, and we do report on that in the minutes, and I've just mentioned what
those are. There's concern that trade changes could be disruptive, and as I also mentioned,
we don't see it in the numbers yet, we really don't. We see a very strong economy across
a bunch of fronts. It's not for everyone, but most people who want to find a job -- there are
people who have not felt the recession yet, but broadly speaking, it's a good economy
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2018/06/14(木) 04:24:21.53ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:24:39.21ID:W6miKkv4a
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2018/06/14(木) 04:25:02.51ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> STEVE BECKNER: Steve Beckner, Mr. Chairman, freelance journalist reporting for NPR. About
financial conditions, which worries you more, warnings that rising short-term rates are bringing the
yield closer to inversion or the fact that long rates have risen very slowly and, in fact, are nearly
20 basis points below their recent high. How do you account for the fact that long rates have been
so slow to rise, and what does it say about the inflation outlook as well?
>> CHAIRMAN: So let me briefly mention the yield curve. I mean, the yield curve is something
people are talking about a lot, including FOMC participants, and you have a range of views. It's
something we're going to continue to be talking about, but it's only one of many things, of course,
that we talk about. I think that that discussion is really about what is appropriate policy and how
do we think about policy as we approach the neutral rate, how do we understand what the neutral
rate is, how do we know where it is and what are the consequences of being above or below it.
That's really what -- when people are talking about the slope of the yield curve, that's really what
they're talking about.
We know why the yield curve is flattening. It's because we're raiseings the federal funds rate.
I think you asked the harder question is what's happening with long rates, and there are many things
that move long rates around. Of course, there's an embedded expectation of the path of short rates,
there's the term premium, which has been very low by historical standards, so arguments are made
that a flatter curve rate has a signal in it.
In addition, I think what you saw most recently that you referred to, Steve, was just on risk-on,
risk-off. In a risk-off environment, people want to own U.S. treasuries and you see, you know, Treasury
prices go up, rates go down quite a lot, so -- but I think ultimately, you know, what we're -- what we
really care about is what's the appropriate stance of policy, and there may be a signal in that long-term
rate about what is the neutral rate, and I think that's why people are paying attention to the yield curve
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2018/06/14(木) 04:25:26.52ID:bFP66xBM0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:26:15.52ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> NANCY: Nancy Marshall Genzer with market. Companies are buying shares at a rising rate,
consumer debt is rising. Are we in a credit bubble? Is that something you're worried about?
>> CHAIRMAN: So if you look at households, you do not see excess credit growth, you
don't see high levels of credit going out, so not so much households, and that's really where
the problems were before the financial crisis was particularly amonghousehold borrowing, around
mortgages. The banks, the capital is significantly higher. If you ask about nonfinancial corporates,
that's really where leverage is at -- levels that are high relative to history, but defaults are low,
interest rates are low. You know, so it's -- that's something we're watching very carefully, but,
again, I don't think we see it as -- I think there are a range of views on that, but we are watching
nonfinancial corporates.
Households are in good shape, though, and that is so important because that's where --
you know, that's where we got in trouble before, and it's often around property and particularly
housing where you see real problems emerge. We don't really see that now, so we take some
Solis from that
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2018/06/14(木) 04:26:33.70ID:W6miKkv4a
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2018/06/14(木) 04:27:35.64ID:+okOFQE50
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2018/06/14(木) 04:27:56.17ID:K3o3rS7F0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:28:23.94ID:8ffQNmI/0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:28:29.23ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> MYLES: Chair, you referenced a minute ago the idea of cushion or the fact that
the fed doesn't have as much when rates are low, inflation is low, and I'm wondering
if you or the committee has thought about your move to raise interest rates as partly
responding to the economy but partly giving yourselves room to navigate in the inevitable
future recession, whenever that was to come, and do you think that has played a part
in your outlook policy or recent policy decisions or is it purely based on what the economy's
>> CHAIRMAN: It doesn't play any part in my thinking, and I'll tell you why. If you raise
rates too quickly, you're just increasing the likelihood of a recession, and that's exactly what
you don't want do. The best thing you can do -- I think the things run in the other direction.
If you're worried about going back to the lower bound, risk management would suggest that
you go a little slower in raising rates and tolerate. That's likely to be a more sustainable
strategy to get further away from the 0 lower bound.
I think we're far enough away now, though, that the risks are kind of balanced, so I think
it's more just -- we're just looking at the economy and what does it need and how do we
sustain the expansion, keep the labor market strong and try to keep inflation at near 2%.
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2018/06/14(木) 04:28:41.30ID:uw+z1yQn0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:29:10.79ID:39MllYxL0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:29:56.29ID:bFP66xBM0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:31:17.58ID:JMWWy/AD0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:31:49.25ID:W6miKkv4a
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2018/06/14(木) 04:32:31.45ID:K3o3rS7F0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:33:36.89ID:JoyZFPM00
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2018/06/14(木) 04:34:23.19ID:bFP66xBM0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:34:51.65ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> MARK HAMRICK: I'm wondering -- I'm sorry. Mark HamRick with Bank Rate. You talked
earlier about your wage growth and basic message to workers. How confident are you that
when we do see stock buy-backs and the like, the workers will get whatever your view of that
share is as well and wage hikes in the near-term and in the foreseeable future. Thank you.
>> CHAIRMAN: You know, we don't have the tools to control that. If companies choose
to -- companies in our system are free to do what they can -- what they need to do once
they've made profits and have cash to distribute, they can distribute it to their shareholders,
they can buy them either through dividends or through buy-backs, they can pay workers.
And we don't play a role in those decisions.
The part that we focus on is maximum employment. That's our mandate, so we view
maximum employment as the maximum sustainable level of employment, meaning it's not so
much that it will cause the economy to overheat, and so I think we've been committed to that.
I think we take that obligation very seriously, and, you know, over time, when -- when labor
markets are strong and companies are hiring, we should see higher wages, but, again, we don't
really have the tools that will address the distribution of profit and that kind of thing.
>> Okay. Thank you
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2018/06/14(木) 04:35:08.99ID:+okOFQE50
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2018/06/14(木) 04:35:18.77ID:K3o3rS7F0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:35:41.73ID:GNzOGTcJ0








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2018/06/14(木) 04:36:21.35ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:38:11.88ID:thHRXKzK0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:38:15.09ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:38:16.03ID:+okOFQE50
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2018/06/14(木) 04:38:20.36ID:uw+z1yQn0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:40:01.32ID:5ClqZ+6G0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:40:15.08ID:IHiBaBkg0
ドル円 110円半ば、FRB議長の会見でのサプライズは1つのみ
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2018/06/14(木) 04:41:04.83ID:DqGRYoZV0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:41:13.62ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:41:46.13ID:uw+z1yQn0
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