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2018/06/13(水) 09:09:48.63
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良い歳してラブライブ声優の小宮有紗ちゃんの薄着画像で抜きまくってる哀れな珍カス基地外ニートすずはらみさきち ◆5oR0dKBDzY(爆笑wwwwwwwwwwww
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2018/06/14(木) 03:51:30.74ID:+okOFQE50

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2018/06/14(木) 03:51:42.70ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 03:52:08.24ID:AHWcm+nhd
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2018/06/14(木) 03:52:12.52ID:Nq6oZpXwd
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2018/06/14(木) 03:52:45.71ID:8W+D2zVA0
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2018/06/14(木) 03:52:59.31ID:qgOBT750M
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2018/06/14(木) 03:53:24.12ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> STEVE LIESMAN: Steve Liesman, CNBC. Mr. Chairman, you said there's a difference of
opinion among economists, but looking at the longer run GDP growth rates for the members of
the committee, there's not a whole lot of difference. It's 1-8 to 2 or 1-7 to 2, depending how
you count it. Is that showing us that not a single member of the committee, including yourself,
Mr. Chairman, agrees with economists over at the White House that they can achieve long-run
sustained growth rates above or at 3% or higher? Do you believe in that?
>> CHAIRMAN: You know, first of all, that's a reasonable range, I think. It's not that we're
all on the same number, but there are a range of views about potential growth, and there's so
much uncertainty around this. You know, we don't -- the thing about fiscal policy is you don't
have thousands of incidents to -- you know, to -- you don't have big data in a way. You have
very small data. You've got only a few instances here, so you have a lot of uncertainty around
what the effects could be. They could be large. We hope they're large, but I think our approach
is going to be to watch and see and hope that, in fact, we do get significant effects to -- you
know, to potential growth out of the tax bill, and we're just going to have to see.
>> (Off microphone).
>> CHAIRMAN: I think we're looking at a reasonable range of estimates, and we're putting
-- different participants are putting different estimates in, and we're going to be waiting and seeing
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2018/06/14(木) 03:53:58.69ID:AHWcm+nhd
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2018/06/14(木) 03:54:23.29ID:qgOBT750M
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2018/06/14(木) 03:54:53.27ID:k+Z5tyT70
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2018/06/14(木) 03:55:01.29ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 03:55:46.87ID:F+fWBbWSa
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2018/06/14(木) 03:56:07.80ID:prJdfRPb0
株式市場も手振り使ってたけど 今でも使ってるのって卸売市場くらいだよな  

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2018/06/14(木) 03:56:15.36ID:AHWcm+nhd
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2018/06/14(木) 03:56:24.21ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> DONNA BORAK: Donna BORAK with CNN. You said earlier that it's still a little too early
to declare victory on inflation. I wanted to circle back on a question that was asked at the
initial Press Conference about what is does the fed say in regards to the inflation target
as symmetric? Like, has the committee given any further thought in terms of how comfortable
it would be rising above, whether it goes higher than 2.1, if it reaches 2.2, 2.3, and for how long,
and now that you're planning to hold these regular Press Conferences starting next year, how
do you explain -- how do you plan to explain that to the American people that inflation is not
>> CHAIRMAN: You know, what we've said in our statement of longer-run principles and
monetary policy strategy is that the committee would be concerned if inflation were to run
persistently above or below 2%, persistently above or below 2%, and that's what we mean by
symmetric. We're looking at it equally on either side, and it's a matter of persistent overruns.
We know that inflation is going to bounce around. For example, as I mentioned, later this summer
there's a good chance that headline inflation will move up above 2% because of oil prices.
Things buffet inflation back and forth, but -- so we acknowledge that, we understand that,
and if inflation were to persistently run above or below 2%, then we would be using our tools to
try to move inflation back in the direction of the target. We do understand, though, that we don't
have the ability to precisely hit that target, so we expect that inflation will be above or below,
and we just hope that that happens on a symmetric basis.
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2018/06/14(木) 03:56:27.60ID:UYlZ8k2D0
ふぉーまっく は ゼンモ
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2018/06/14(木) 03:56:54.44ID:FHAWxqnq0
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2018/06/14(木) 03:56:58.64ID:8ffQNmI/0
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2018/06/14(木) 03:57:56.90ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> MARTY CRUTSINGER: Marty, associated press. At this meeting, you hiked the funds rate,
you changed the dot plot to move from 3 to 4 for this year, and you took out a sentence that
you had been using for years about how long rates might stay low, but you say that none of
this signals a change in policy views. But shouldn't we see from this combination of things
that the Fed is moving to a tighter policy?
>> CHAIRMAN: I think what you should see is that the economy is continuing to make
progress. The economy has strengthenened so much since I joined the Fed, you know, in
2012 and even over the last couple of years. The economy's in a very different place.
Unemployment was 10% at the height of the crisis, 3.8% now and moving lower, so really,
what you -- the decision you see today is another sign that the U.S. economy is in great
shape. Growth is strong, labor markets are strong, inflation is close to target, and that's
what you're seeing. For many years, as I mentioned, many years we had interest rates
held low to support economic activity, and it's been clear that as we've gotten closer to
our statutory goals, we should normalize policy, and that's really what we've been consistently
doing for some years now.
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2018/06/14(木) 03:57:59.77ID:AHWcm+nhd
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2018/06/14(木) 03:58:05.21ID:qgOBT750M
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2018/06/14(木) 03:58:30.77ID:fnDDpvjd0
The economy is very strong, the labor market is strong, growth is strong.

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2018/06/14(木) 03:58:32.73ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 03:58:34.31ID:FHAWxqnq0
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2018/06/14(木) 03:59:06.76ID:AHWcm+nhd
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2018/06/14(木) 03:59:20.16ID:FHAWxqnq0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:00:17.12ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> HEATHER LONG: Heather long from the Washington Post. Can you give us an update on
what the FOMC think business wages, are we finally going to see that wage growth pick up this
year? I know you're forecasting a little bit more inflation, but is that going to translate through
to wage growth?
>> CHAIRMAN: You know, wages have been gradually moving up Erle. Earlier in the recovery,
they were -- there are many different wage measures, of course, but just to generalize, wages were
running roughly around 2%, and they've moved gradually up between 2% to 3% as the labor market has
become stronger and stronger. I think it's fair to say that some of us -- and I certainly would have
expected wages to react more to the very significant reduction in unemployment that we've had, as
I mentioned, from 10% to 3.8%. Part of that can be explained by low productivity, which is something
we've talked about at the committee and elsewhere, but nonetheless, I think we had anticipated and
many people have anticipated that wages -- in a world where we're hearing lots and lots about labor
shortages, everywhere we go now we hear about labor shortages, but where's the wage reaction,
so it's a bit of a puzzle. I wouldn't say it's a miss industry, but it's a bit of a puzzle, and, frankly, I do
think there's a lot to like about low unemployment, and one of the things is you will see pretty much
people who want to get jobs -- not everybody, but people who want to get jobs, many of them will
be able to get jobs. You will see wages go up. You'll see people at the -- sort of the margins of the
labor force having an opportunity to get back and work. They benefit from that, society benefits
from that, so there are a lot of things to really like, including higher wages, as you asked.
Our role, though, is also to -- you know, to make sure that maximum employment happens in
a context of price stability and financial stability, which is why we're gradually raising rates.
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2018/06/14(木) 04:00:52.27ID:qgOBT750M

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2018/06/14(木) 04:00:59.52ID:AHWcm+nhd
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2018/06/14(木) 04:01:13.21ID:prJdfRPb0

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2018/06/14(木) 04:02:08.11ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> DON LEE: Just a follow-up on -- Don Lee from the LA Times. On both inflation and
unemployment, the new projections for unemployment lowered them before and inflation
higher, and how much is the Fed willing to accept as an overshoot for both of those
before it affects policy?
>> CHAIRMAN: You mentioned that unemployment moved down and inflation moved
up by truly small amounts, if you look at the summary of economic projections. Things are
moving by just a tick or even a semi-tick between now and March, and you asked, you know
-- I mean, I think we take a longer-run view that we're shooting for -- we're aiming for 2%
inflation -- inflation around 2%. We know that it'll be above or below. We're not going to --
we didn't overreact, I think, to inflation being under 2%. We won't overreact to it be being
over 2%, and I think we'll be using tools to move it in the direction of the target if it moves
away from the target persistently, as I mentioned.
In terms of unemployment, you know, you have to acknowledge that we are -- no one
really knows with certainty what the level of the natural rate of unemployment is, the rate
that is sustainable over a long period of time, and we know that probably that rate has declined
as the U.S. population has become more educated, as it has become older, older and more
educated people have lower unemployment rates. We don't know this with precision, so
we have to be learning as we go. We've got to be looking at data and informed by what's
coming in, and as I mentioned, I think, at the last Press Conference, estimates by members
of the committee have moved down by a full percentage point since maybe 2012 as we've
learned -- as unemployment has dropped and inflation hasn't really reacted, so I can't give
you a precise number, but I just -- you know, we will be very much informed by incoming
data, and this uncertainty is why -- the fact that we live in that uncertainty is why we've
been gradually raising rates. We're not waiting for inflation to show up, we're going ahead
and moving gradually and trying to navigate between two risks, really. One would be moving
too quickly, inflation never gets back to target. If we do that -- and the other is moving
too slowly, and then we have too much inflation or financial instability, and we have to
raise quickly, and that can also have bad outcomes.
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2018/06/14(木) 04:02:27.33ID:F+V/RZ0d0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:02:27.36ID:YHuxuZi70

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2018/06/14(木) 04:03:32.62ID:DqGRYoZV0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:03:53.20ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:04:02.56ID:AHWcm+nhd
ダウ プラテンくっぞ〜
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2018/06/14(木) 04:05:08.35ID:AHWcm+nhd
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2018/06/14(木) 04:05:22.04ID:oxRc2+cA0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:05:44.70ID:etVfLrBI0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:06:00.21ID:oxRc2+cA0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:06:17.59ID:1IuC6spBa
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2018/06/14(木) 04:06:29.87ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:06:33.11ID:Nq6oZpXwd
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2018/06/14(木) 04:07:14.91ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> CHRIS CONDON: Chris Condon, Bloomberg News. Mr. Chairman, I have a couple questions
about the interest the Fed pays on excess resense, and you mentioned, of course, that the IOER
was raised 20 basis points, and that's a result of the upward drift of the effective funds rate in
that target range. Do you think that's going to resolve that issue or might there be further action
required by the committee in the future to continue log IOER relative to the midpoint of the range,
and further, was there discussion among the committee today about what's causing that? Is it purely
technical, perhaps related to bill issuance, or is it telling you something about the level of scarcity
and truly excess bank reserves. Thank you. (Reserves not resense)
>> CHAIRMAN: Thanks. I would say that remember the important thing is that we want the
federal funds rate to trade in the target range. That's the whole idea. IOER is the principal tool
by which we assure that that will happen, and we've said, you know -- in our basic documents
that we will adjust the use of our tools as appropriate. We don't expect to have to do this often
or again, but we're not sure about that. If we is have to do it again, we'll do it -- if we have to do
it again, we'll do it again. again, don't expect it to happen. You asked why, and of course we're
looking carefully at that. The truth is we don't know with any precision. Really, no one does.
You can't run experiments with one affected and not the other. You know, I think there's a lot
of probability on the idea of just high bill supply leads to higher repo costs, higher money market
rates generally, and the arbitrage pulls up the federal funds rate toward the IOER. We don't know
that's the only effect and we're going to have to be watching and learning. Frankly, we don't have
to know today. What we need is to have the federal funds rate trade in the range, and that's
what this minor technical adjustment accomplishes
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2018/06/14(木) 04:07:53.62ID:bFP66xBM0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:08:50.41ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:09:00.27ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> EDWARD LAWRENCE: Edward Lawrence from Fox Business. So with the numbers that
we're looking at, you talked about more people getting jobs, the wages are increasing, are we
seeing a -- with the fiscal policy, a fundamental shift in the economy where we have lower natural
unemployment, also possibly a lower rate of natural unemployment and lower inflation?
>> CHAIRMAN: Your question -- your first question really is do we think the natural rate of
unemployment is lower? So I think we do believe it has moved down significantly over a long period
of time. We don't think that the natural rate of unemployment -- you know, it's not one of those
variables that moves around a lot. It tends to be driven by slow-moving variables like the education
level, the population, like the functioning of the labor market and things like that, so, you know, it may
-- it may have moved down two on a cyclical basis lower, as the economy gets hotter and hotter.
There's some possibility of that, but, you know, the thing is if you look back, there have been a lot
of studies done and realtime estimates of the natural rate of unemployment have uncertainty bands,
which are quite wide, so we have to remember that and very much be guided by the incoming data.
You asked about inflation. You know, inflation, we look at the 2% inflation objective as something
that central banks, the Fed really control, and we have to be strongly committed to achieving that
using our tools to do that. I think in recent years the dominant force has been, you know, disinflationary,
had been pushing down on inflation, so we've been pushing back up. Of course, all those years when
we were growing up, it was the opposite, inflation was too high and central banks were constantly
pushing down.
It's really important that inflation not fall below 2%, that inflation expectations remain well anchored
at 2%, very important, because the implications of inflation below 2% are that you're closer to the 0 lower
bound, meaning the fed has less room to cut, meaning we'll spend more time there and we won't be able
to do the job that we're assigned to do for our citizens.
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2018/06/14(木) 04:09:56.87ID:DqGRYoZV0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:10:01.34ID:GdmYRqzh0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:10:50.99ID:PfCwxm560
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2018/06/14(木) 04:11:07.52ID:8W+D2zVA0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:11:35.70ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> JEANNA: Jeana with Bloomberg Television. You guys moved the median unemployment
forecast for 2020 down to 3.5% but left the longer run at 4.5% today, but you're only forecasting
a moderate overshoot on the fed funds rate beyond your longer-run value. How are you going
to get unemployment from 3.5% up to that 4.5% rate?
>> CHAIRMAN: I would just emphasize that -- a couple things. First, we're learning about
the real location of the natural rate of unemployment as we go, so it's moved down by more
than a full percentage point since 2012, so it's not so simple as thinking, boy, we've just got
to go ahead and get that rate up. If you look at the forecasts, two years from now, end of 2020,
you're still seeing inflation very close to target, so there's no sense that inflation will -- no sense
in our models or in our projections or forecasts that inflation will take off or move unexpectedly
quickly from these levels, even if unemployment does remain low, so that's -- so it's important
to know that the unemployment rate forecasts go with the inflation forecasts and go with the
rate forecasts, and so each person who's submitting them is submitting, you know, appropriate
monetary policy that fits with that person's assessment, and their assessments generally are
to support maximum employment and stable prices around 2%, so if we thought that inflation
were going to take off, obviously, we'd be showing higher rates, but that's not what we think
will happen

>> JEANN A. IF I COULD FOLLOW UP really quickly, why, I guess, would the longer-run rate
not be a lower lower and closer to that 2020 number?
>> CHAIRMAN: Yeah, it may be. It may be. We may find that out. You know, the best
estimate that we have over the longer run is that -- although, you know, there's a range of
views, and some people are in the low fours, and, again, I said the uncertainty bands are, you
know, not quite a full percentage point on either side but 3/4 of a percent, that kind of thing,
so it's very possible. We have to be -- you know, we can't do -- we can't be too attached
to these unobservable variables. I think we have to be practical about the way we think about
these things, and we do that by being grounded in the data and what we see happening in the
real economy
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2018/06/14(木) 04:12:33.12ID:+ODaffya0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:12:35.55ID:oxRc2+cA0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:13:15.15ID:IHiBaBkg0
>> VICTORIA GUIDA: Hi. Victoria. I have a couple of regulatory questions. First of all, on
the counter cyclical counter buffer, I was wondering what are the chances that the Fed is
going to need to use that in the next year or two, and then my second question is there's
been a lot of talk lately in Congress about the ability for banks to serve marijuana businesses,
and I was wondering if you think that banks should be able to serve those businesses in
states where marijuana is legal.
>> CHAIRMAN: So the counter-cyclical capital buffer gives us the ability to raise capital
requirements on the largest institutions when financial stability, vulnerabilities are meaningful
above normal. That's the language that we've used, and that's certainly a possibility. I wouldn't
say that -- I wouldn't look at today's financial stability landscape and say that risks are meaningfully
above normal. I would say that they're roughly at normal. You have, you know, households are well
-- you know, are in good shape. They've paid down their debt, incomes are rising, people have
jobs, so households are not really a concern, and banks are highly capitalized, so that's not really
a concern. We see there's some concern with asset prices in a couple of pockets, but overall,
if you bake it all in, I think we see generally financial vulnerabilities as moderate.
Could that change, you asked, over a couple of years? Yeah, it could. You also asked about
marijuana businesses, so this is a very difficult area because we have state law. Many state laws
permit the use of marijuana, and federal law still doesn't, so it puts, you know, federally chartered
banks in a very difficult situation. I think it would be great if that could be clarified. We don't have
-- you know, it puts the supervisor in a very, very difficult position, and, of course, this isn't our
-- our mandate has nothing to do with marijuana, so, we don't really -- we just would love to
see it clarified, I think
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2018/06/14(木) 04:13:35.78ID:Bpd5ijzK0
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2018/06/14(木) 04:13:46.56ID:fnDDpvjd0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
