【4565】そーせいG 449 【SOSEI第28回定時株主総会:6/22、株式分割:6/30】
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 978e-3x5s [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/10(日) 08:01:16.18ID:glv31+G10
【4565】そーせいG 448 【四季報(2018年3集夏号):6/15、株式分割:6/30】
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvvvvv:1000:512:----: EXT was configured
0580山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd43-ZWPq [])
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2018/06/21(木) 15:44:00.39ID:M5YABOlMd
0582山師さん@トレード中 (ラクッペ MM11-uted [])
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2018/06/21(木) 20:54:57.17ID:q4axou/rM
0583山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/21(木) 20:59:51.82ID:e/0+cwYP0
Heptares will move to a New Research Facility (Steinmetz Building) at Cambridge (Granta Park) in July 2018. Place approximately 130 employees.
Heptares Zurich will be by mid-2018, the biology lab technician will be 70 -100%. Grow a team of protein biochemistry groups from the current 2 FTEs to 5 FTEs by 2020.
Heptares and Imperial College are trying to rapidly advance drug discovery and translation research with emphasis on new and existing multiple GPCR disease targets.
MiNA Therapeutics Step Up to the translation & innovation hub facility at Imperial College London Campus.
※Business Insider Japan:認知症新薬の開発を日本で加速させる。ベインズ氏はそーせいが中長期的にはアメリカなどでも株式を上場させることを視野に入れながら世界のバイオテック・プレイヤーを目指す。(2017/11/14)
※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material: J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: "Strong Cash Position of c.$300m to Drive Global Growth Strategy: Provides Runway of Approx 2-3 Years Based on Organic Business Plan". (1/8)
※SOSEI:執行役異動(2018年2月28日):辞任フィオナ・マーシャル執行役副社長兼CSO (MSD: New MSD UK Discovery Centreへ)、新任ティム・タスカー執行役副社長兼CMO (旧役職:Heptares社最高医事責任者)。(1/19)
※SOSEI:「シーブリおよびウルティブロ」の2017年第4四半期(10月〜12月)の業績について。サノビオン社(10月にSeebri Neohaler販売開始)。「ウルティブロ」中国(12月に製造販売承認を取得)。(1/24)
0584山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/21(木) 21:00:23.74ID:e/0+cwYP0
※SOSEI:「シーブリおよびウルティブロ」の2018年第1四半期(1月〜3月)の業績について。ウルティブロは、FLAME, FLASH, CLAIM Studyの良好な結果、並びに2018年版GOLDレポートに後押しされ、引き続き進捗。(4/20)
※Sosei Statement:英Vecturaに対して買収提案を実施した可能性に関する報道を受けましたが、当社はVecturaに対して買収提案を実施した事実はございません。本件に関して検討している事実はありません。(4/25)
※SOSEI 2018年3月期決算:研究開発費4,818百万円(54%増加)97%は英国活動。毎年3つの新薬候補を発見することができるプラットフォーム構築。当社独自の化合物関連パイプラインが大幅に進展。自社開発品拡充。(5/10)
※SOSEI株式分割:基準日(2018/6/30)の株主名簿に記録された株主の所有普通株式1株につき4株の割合をもって分割。効力発生日(2018/7/1)。(5/10) ※SOSEI:決算期変更(事業年度の末日:毎年12/31)。(5/10)
※SOSEI:「A2A拮抗薬の将来性」- BioCenturyがAZD4635の記事(3/26)を掲載。新規併用療法の後期第I相/第II相試験(NCT03381274)データは2021年になる見込み。固形がんに対する第I相試験(NCT02740985)を併せて実施中。(5/16)
※SOSEI Presentation: "Sosei Group Corporation, UBS Global Healthcare Conference": Global operations and aspirations - aiming to build Japan’s first global biotech champion: Drive Global Growth Strategy. (5/21Presented, 5/22up)
※SOSEI:PAR2 標的に対して高い親和性と選択性を有するペプチド・アンタゴニストを同定。ペプチドリーム社とのコラボレーションが順調に進展。現在は、臨床開発への進展を目指し、さらに本ペプチドの特性分析と最適化。(5/24)
※SOSEI:役員の異動 (辞任)執行役副社長CFO:アンドリュー・オークリー(Autolus Therapeutics Limited, SVP and CFOへ)、暫定CFOにクリス・カーギルを任命。※SOSEI:第28回定時株主総会付議議案の一部(マイケル・ヘイデン氏を取締役候補者)取下げ。(6/4)
※SOSEI:MiNA Therapeuticsが進行肝がん患者を対象とする MTL-CEBPA の初めてのヒト試験の初期結果を発表:正常肝機能および肝機能障害のある患者において良好な忍容性がみられた。血液検体の解析によりRNA活性機序を実証。薬効標的への作用を確認。(6/5)
※SOSEI 第28回定時株主総会:(6月22日 10:00 グランドアーク半蔵門4階 富士の間)
0585山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/21(木) 21:01:06.22ID:e/0+cwYP0
※Heptares: We're delighted to hear that Heptares co-founder Richard Henderson is a recipient of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry. (2017/10/4)
※Fiona Marshall: So delighted that Heptares founder Richard Henderson has won the Nobel Prize. "Uses of Cryo-EM, Just Beginning." (2017/10/4)
※SOSEI:Heptares創設者Richard Hendersonが、生物学的構造を画像として解析することのできるクライオ電子顕微鏡(CRYO-EM)の開発により、2017年ノーベル化学賞を受賞。(2017/10/5)
※BioRxiv: New Results: "Cryo-EM structure of the adenosine A2A receptor coupled to an engineered heterotrimeric G protein": Chris Tate. (2/19 up)
※SOSEI個人投資家説明会:2017年ノーベル化学賞受賞Richard Henderson博士の基調講演。(3/14)
※名古屋大学細胞生理学研究センター/株式会社CeSPIA:『Richard Henderson博士による講演会』:"Electron cryomicroscopy in structural biology: progress and prospects." (3/16)
※米国特許出願(Heptares):Mutant G-Protein Coupled Receptors and Methods for Selecting Them. (Inventors MRC LMB: Chris Tate, Richard Henderson). (3/29公開)
※Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics: "Cryo-EM structure of the adenosine A2A receptor coupled to an engineered heterotrimeric G protein.": (Chris Tate), Heptares also funded this work. (5/4up)
※The Journal of Biological Chemistry: "Mini G protein probes for active G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in live cells". Heptares Grants MC_U105197215 and EMPSI 339995 (to Chris Tate.). (5/11up)
※RCSB Protein Data Bank: (Structure ID: 6GDG): "Cryo-EM structure of the adenosine A2A receptor bound to a miniGs heterotrimer": (Released: 2018/5/16) (5/16up)
※MRC LMB: The New LMB Building in Cambridge was Officially Opened by Her Majesty The Queen. The Queen spoke at length to LMB group leader, Chris Tate, and was fascinated by the potential for new drug delivery systems. (5/24)
※MRC LMB:Congratulations to Richard Henderson from MRC_LMB on being made a Companion of Honour in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. (6/8)
※Heptares: Congratulations to our founder Richard Henderson, named a Companion of Honour in the Queen's Birthday Honours list. (6/8)
※Varsity Cambridge: Three Cambridge academics recognised in 2018 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Awarded the Companion of Honour. Dr Henderson said that "it is a great honour to join such a distinguished group of people from all walks of life". (6/9)
※MRC LMB: Richard Henderson made Companion of Honour. from the LMB’s Structural Studies Division, has been made a Companion of Honour in the Queen’s 2018 Birthday Honours list, for services to electron microscopy of biological molecules. (6/11)
・Founding of the MRC start-up company Heptares in 2007. Heptares now has - 125 employees and is wholly owned by the Japanese company Sosei, developing new drugs for medically important GPCRs.
0586山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/21(木) 21:01:32.54ID:e/0+cwYP0
※Nature: "Cryo-EM structure of the serotonin 5-HT1B receptor coupled to heterotrimeric Go": Christopher G. Tate (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology). (6/20up)
・Published: 20 June 2018.
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) form the largest family of receptors encoded by the human genome (around 800 genes).
They transduce signals by coupling to a small number of heterotrimeric G proteins (16 genes encoding different α-subunits). Each human cell contains several GPCRs and G proteins.
The structural determinants of coupling of Gs to four different GPCRs have been elucidated1,2,3,4, but the molecular details of how the other G-protein classes couple to GPCRs are unknown.
Here we present the cryo-electron microscopy structure of the serotonin 5-HT1B receptor (5-HT1BR) bound to the agonist donitriptan and coupled to an engineered Go heterotrimer.
In this complex, 5-HT1BR is in an active state; the intracellular domain of the receptor is in a similar conformation to that observed for the β2-adrenoceptor (β2AR)3 or the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR)1 in complex with Gs.
In contrast to the complexes with Gs, the gap between the receptor and the Gβ-subunit in the Go–5-HT1BR complex precludes molecular contacts, and the interface between the Gα-subunit of Go and the receptor is considerably smaller.
These differences are likely to be caused by the differences in the interactions with the C terminus of the Go α-subunit.
The molecular variations between the interfaces of Go and Gs in complex with GPCRs may contribute substantially to both the specificity of coupling and the kinetics of signalling.
Competing interests:
・C.G.T. is a shareholder, consultant and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Heptares Therapeutics, who also partly funded this work.
※MRC LMB 38分前: Uncovering the structure of the serotonin receptor. https://mrc.io/2tpOUZN LMB Research. Javier GarciaNafria. Nature. (6/21)
0587山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/21(木) 21:19:50.75ID:e/0+cwYP0
※MRC LMB: Uncovering the structure of the serotonin receptor. (6/21)
Published today at 12:20 pm.
Scientists in Chris Tate’s group in the LMB’s Structural Studies Division have used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure of the serotonin receptor coupled to the heterotrimeric G protein Go,
providing insights into how receptors bind specific G proteins.
Communication between cells throughout our bodies is vital for our health. Cells release signals, such as hormones and neurotransmitters, which must then be received and communicated to the inside of the recipient cell.
In many cases this is achieved by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) which are embedded in the cell’s outer membrane and bind the external incoming signal.
Upon doing so, the portion of the GPCR inside the cell couples to and activates heterotrimeric G proteins which triggers intracellular signalling cascades, eventually resulting in cellular responses to the external stimulus.
The human genome encodes approximately 800 different GPCRs, collectively implicated in a wide range of physiological processes.
However, there are only four families of G proteins (Gs, Gi/o, Gq, G12/13) to which the receptors couple, each one activating or inhibiting certain signalling pathways.
With each human cell producing up to 120 different GPCRs and the limited diversity of heterotrimeric G proteins, there must be some particular way - a selectivity code - in which each receptor activates
its specific G protein so that the appropriate cellular response to the external signal is achieved.
Although there are atomic details of how the G proteins Gs couples to GPCRs, there was, until now, no such information on how receptors bind other types of G proteins – crucial for understanding the G protein-GPCR selectivity code.
0588山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/21(木) 21:20:40.34ID:e/0+cwYP0
Scientists in Chris’ group purified the serotonin receptor (a GPCR) and combined it with the individual purified components of an engineered Go protein to recreate the signalling complex.
They then added the small molecule donitripan, originally developed with the aim of treating migraines, which binds the serotonin receptor. This caused the GPCR to adopt its active state and bind Go.
Pictures of the complex were then taken at very high magnification using electron cryo-microscopy which revealed the three-dimensional structure of the receptor-Go complex in molecular detail.
This allowed the scientists to compare the structure of the Go-receptor interface to the previously elucidated Gs-receptor interface, providing insights into the G protein-GPCR selectivity code and how signalling specificity is achieved.
Serotonin is a chemical signal found in the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract and blood platelets, and contributes to the regulation of mood, appetite and sleep.
Disturbances in serotonin signalling are implicated in certain psychiatric disorders and drugs targeting serotonin receptors, such as sumatriptan (Imigran), are used as anti-migraine agents.
Understanding the activation mechanism of the serotonin receptor and the mode of binding of a failed anti-migraine drug, donitripan, will hopefully aid the development of new and improved drugs.
More broadly, GPCRs are the target of a third of small-molecule drugs treating a huge range of diseases, and it is crucial to understand in molecular detail how GPCR signalling works so that we can design better drugs.
An essential component of this understanding is why any particular GPCR signals through a particular G protein pathway.
Comparing the new Go-receptor structure to other GPCRs bound to different G proteins will build up a picture of why certain receptors preferentially bind only one G protein and why others bind multiple G proteins.
he hope is that in the future it will be possible to design drugs that allow receptors to signal through only one pathway, which could make the drugs more potent and with reduced side effects.
This work was funded by the MRC, European Research Council and Heptares Therapeutics.
0589山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/21(木) 21:59:53.53ID:e/0+cwYP0
※Respiratory Research: Indacaterol/glycopyrronium versus salmeterol/fluticasone in the prevention of clinically important deterioration in COPD: results from the FLAME study.
Published: 20 June 2018
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive disease and a composite endpoint could be an indicator of treatment effect on disease worsening.
This post-hoc analysis assessed whether indacaterol/glycopyrronium (IND/GLY) 110/50 μg once daily reduced the risk of clinically important deterioration (CID)
versus salmeterol/fluticasone (SFC) 50/500 μg twice daily in moderate-to-very severe COPD patients from the FLAME study.
CID was defined as ≥100 mL decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) or ≥ 4-unit increase in St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) total score or a moderate-to-severe COPD exacerbation.
Changes from baseline in the rate of moderate and severe exacerbations, time to first moderate-to-severe exacerbation, and change from baseline in the SGRQ score,
measured after Week 12 up to Week 52, were assessed by presence of early CID (CID+) or absence of CID (CID−) at Week 12.
IND/GLY significantly delayed the time to CID (hazard ratio [HR] (95% confidence interval [CI]), 0.72 [0.67&#8211;0.78]; P&#8201;<&#8201;0.0001), and reduced the incidences of CID versus SFC.
Additionally, IND/GLY delayed the time to CID in all patient subgroups.
After 12 weeks until 52 weeks, CID+ patients had a significantly higher rate of moderate-to-severe exacerbations versus CID− patients (P&#8201;<&#8201;0.0001);
moreover, CID+ patients experienced moderate-to-severe exacerbations significantly earlier versus CID− patients (P&#8201;<&#8201;0.0001).
CID+ patients had a comparable change in the SGRQ total score versus CID− patients.
IND/GLY reduced the risk of CID versus SFC.
CID had a significant impact on long-term exacerbation outcomes in patients with moderate-to-very severe COPD and a history of &#8805;1 exacerbations in the previous year.
0590山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-lC4z [])
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2018/06/22(金) 05:32:44.72ID:E7oWg7yJ0
0591山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/22(金) 05:34:20.10ID:E7oWg7yJ0
・五味大輔(個人) 大量保有報告書。保有割合は5.08%(0.12増加)。保有目的は「純投資」。(報告義務発生日:2017/2/13、2017/2/13提出)
0592山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/22(金) 05:34:46.15ID:E7oWg7yJ0
・ドイツ銀行ロンドン支店大量保有報告書。共同保有割合:5.13%(0.44増加)、筆頭保有割合:5.13%(0.44増加)。 (報告義務日:4/13、4/20提出)
・JPモルガン・アセット・マネジメント変更報告書。共同保有割合:5.86%(0.23減少)、筆頭保有割合:4.83%(0.01減少)。 (報告義務日:5/15、5/21提出)

※JPモルガン・アセット・マネジメント そーせいグループ株に係る変更報告書を提出。(6/21 9:22)
0593山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/22(金) 05:36:00.99ID:E7oWg7yJ0
2010/12/30 (終値_1350) ・(2010/10/15※最安値_650、2010/12/27最高値_1748)
2011/12/30 (終値_1271) ・(2011/3/15※最安値__693、2011/6/30最高値_1680)
2012/12/28 (終値_2087) ・(2012/6/6※最安値__950、2012/9/7最高値_2967)
2013/12/30 (終値_4315) ・(2013/1/4※最安値_2050、2013/5/7最高値_6100)
2014/_4/25 (終値_2058) 売残高36200 買残高 1053200 ・(2014/4/22最安値_1854)※[成長回収期の入口]ステージへ
2015/_2/20 (終値_3780) 売残高14200 買残高 1530800 ・(2015/3/16最安値_2851)※Heptares [成功の序章ステージ]
2015/10/30 (終値_4320) 売残高11400 買残高 2217900 ・(2015/9/24安値_3550)※米国承認[次なる飛躍ステージへ]※[上抜け圏へ]
2016/_4/25 (終値23230) 売残高39800 買残高 3404900 ・(2016/5/9最高値26180)※Allergan[強気相場]
2016/_6/24 (終値14720) 売残高10500 買残高 2486100 ・(2016/6/24安値12960)※[強気相場解除]※[時間軸での調整局面へ]
2017/_3/31 (終値10880) 売残高_5600 買残高 2621800 ・(2017/4/4安値10280)※[時間軸調整は順調に推移]※[振るい場・拾い場へ]
2017/_9/_8 (終値_8700) 売残高_1900 買残高 2037800 ・(2017/9/6最安値_8590)※[拾い場も順調に推移]
2018/_1/26 (終値12210) 売残高__900 買残高 1429100 ・(1/22安値10960)※[振るいも順調に推移]
2018/_3/_9 (終値_9510) 売残高10500 買残高 1794400(_-60200) ・(3/5安値_8780)※[悪地合いにて再びの拾い場へ]
2018/_3/16 (終値_9070) 売残高13500 買残高 2019900(+225500) ・(3/16安値_9070)
2018/_3/23 (終値_8590) 売残高14100 買残高 2046500(_+26600) ・(3/23安値_8580)
2018/_3/30 (終値_8820) 売残高14400 買残高 2028000(_-18500) ・(3/26安値_8320)
0594山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/22(金) 06:00:28.65ID:E7oWg7yJ0
0595山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9d8e-CXfI [ [上級国民]])
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2018/06/22(金) 06:00:59.30ID:E7oWg7yJ0
2018/_4/_6 (終値_8810) 売残高17000 買残高 1981500(_-46500) ・(4/3安値_8550)
2018/_4/13 (終値_7840) 売残高15400 買残高 2080200(_+98700) ・(4/13安値_7770)
2018/_4/20 (終値_7280) 売残高15100 買残高 2115200(_+35000) ・(4/20安値_7260)
2018/_4/27 (終値_7580) 売残高17700 買残高 2113400(__-1800) ・(4/23安値_7210)
2018/_5/11 (終値_7040) 売残高21200 買残高 2099200(_-14200) ・(5/11安値_6660)※(5/11)空売り価格規制トリガー抵触
2018/_5/18 (終値_7600) 売残高19700 買残高 2047200(_-52000) ・(5/14安値_6980)
2018/_5/25 (終値_7170) 売残高19500 買残高 2091100(_+43900) ・(5/25安値_7120)
2018/_6/_1 (終値_7350) 売残高23000 買残高 2081000(_-10100) ・(5/29安値_6780)
2018/_6/_8 (終値_6800) 売残高26200 買残高 2178700(_+97700) ・(6/7安値_6470) ※(6/5安値_6780)空売り価格規制トリガー抵触
2018/_6/15 (終値_6850) 売残高23000 買残高 2120500(_-58200) ・(6/11安値_6810)
2018/_6/18 (終値_6790) 5日線乖離(-1.16%) 25日線乖離(-4.96%) 75日線乖離(-14.89%) 200日線乖離(-28.21%) (安値_6740)
2018/_6/19 (終値_6550) 5日線乖離(-3.53%) 25日線乖離(-7.90%) 75日線乖離(-17.46%) 200日線乖離(-30.66%) (安値_6440)
2018/_6/20 (終値_6710) 5日線乖離(-0.68%) 25日線乖離(-5.33%) 75日線乖離(-15.01%) 200日線乖離(-28.88%) (※最安値_6380) [年初来安値更新]
2018/_6/21 (終値_6840) 5日線乖離(+1.36%) 25日線乖離(-3.04%) 75日線乖離(-12.99%) 200日線乖離(-27.41%) (安値_6630)

0596山師さん@トレード中 (アウアウカー Saa1-uted [])
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2018/06/22(金) 08:15:10.49ID:JBl1Y8sza
0597山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイWW eb6c-PFk+ [])
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2018/06/22(金) 08:31:42.43ID:nzNN6MrS0

0598山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイW 45c8-oxm6 [])
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2018/06/22(金) 08:45:38.97ID:Nh9eS2JW0
0600山師さん@トレード中 (JPW 0H61-lupL [])
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2018/06/22(金) 08:53:35.96ID:ga4wN3h6H
0601山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9511-lC4z [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 08:56:52.12ID:JJuvnzK40
0602山師さん@トレード中 (ラクッペ MM11-uted [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 08:59:15.21ID:ovDNGYvNM
0604山師さん@トレード中 (スップ Sd03-4ScQ [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 09:19:27.94ID:EEu/n88td
0606山師さん@トレード中 (スフッ Sd43-R9Y9 [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 10:06:24.29ID:zfJ4pPnfd
0607山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイWW f5c1-xAVM [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 10:07:41.56ID:8zlkIfZd0
0608山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイWW 5511-iT/7 [ [上級国民]])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 10:11:22.63ID:+0m/EEpk0
0609山師さん@トレード中 (スフッ Sd43-R9Y9 [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 10:13:35.06ID:zfJ4pPnfd
0613山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイW bd4b-lupL [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 10:32:46.20ID:3IuXYpcf0
0614山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイWW f5c1-xAVM [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 10:45:34.56ID:8zlkIfZd0
0616山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイW bd4b-yEWw [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 11:14:21.09ID:3IuXYpcf0
0619山師さん@トレード中 (スフッ Sd43-R9Y9 [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 11:31:26.90ID:zfJ4pPnfd
0625山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd43-iT/7 [ [上級国民]])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 12:02:35.74ID:9JfcMdCZd
0627山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイW bd4b-yEWw [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 12:17:43.34ID:3IuXYpcf0
0630山師さん@トレード中 (ラクッペ MM11-uted [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 12:31:48.88ID:ovDNGYvNM
0635山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 0be3-DJU/ [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 12:53:33.36ID:R2HEkMUf0
0636山師さん@トレード中 (アウアウカー Saa1-ORze [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 12:54:04.01ID:Mh/dJQTYa
0637山師さん@トレード中 (スププ Sd43-lhTO [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 12:56:23.90ID:RAY2OqP5d
0639山師さん@トレード中 (アウアウカー Saa1-ORze [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 12:57:15.58ID:Mh/dJQTYa
0641山師さん@トレード中 (スププ Sd43-lhTO [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 12:59:49.77ID:RAY2OqP5d
0642山師さん@トレード中 (アークセー Sx31-dCNG [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 13:00:40.99ID:bdCLRnlax
0643山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイW e3ed-dCnr [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 13:03:32.26ID:IY5K7kFO0
0645山師さん@トレード中 (アークセー Sx31-dCNG [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 13:09:37.63ID:bdCLRnlax
0647山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 0be3-DJU/ [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 13:32:25.86ID:R2HEkMUf0
0651山師さん@トレード中 (スップ Sd03-4ScQ [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 13:54:14.93ID:Xd/ZjcBod
0654山師さん@トレード中 (オイコラミネオ MM61-oxm6 [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 14:42:03.37ID:kwuirwPxM
0657山師さん@トレード中 (オイコラミネオ MM61-oxm6 [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 14:57:46.13ID:kwuirwPxM
0659山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイW 5511-1Ki3 [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 15:04:13.48ID:My9n4Dvj0
引け、成り売り5100株だわ どうしても下げたいのね
0664山師さん@トレード中 (JPW 0H61-lupL [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 17:38:35.34ID:eJE2p3MsH
0665山師さん@トレード中 (オイコラミネオ MM61-oxm6 [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 17:41:10.08ID:kwuirwPxM
0667山師さん@トレード中 (アークセー Sx31-dCNG [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 17:49:16.15ID:bdCLRnlax
0668山師さん@トレード中 (オイコラミネオ MM61-oxm6 [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 17:53:20.37ID:kwuirwPxM
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 17:55:23.24ID:04yvTBqx

0671山師さん@トレード中 (JPW 0H61-dCnr [])
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 19:00:56.02ID:m8LTkwRKH
垢版 |
2018/06/22(金) 19:48:39.46ID:spPmuTZD

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
