
【4565】そーせいG 435 【新年相場】

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0002山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 22:01:11.97ID:61qVFtNc0
Heptares Approach Extends well Beyond our Growing Pipeline. UK be Relocating to the Cambridge Area in "July 2018."
0003山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 22:01:35.87ID:61qVFtNc0
※SOSEI株主通信 第27期中間決算号:ttp://v4.eir-parts.net/v4Contents/View.aspx?template=ir_material_for_fiscal_ym&sid=30775&code=4565 (2016/12/26up)
※SOSEI個人投資家説明会資料 直近12-18ヶ月の見通し:ttp://v4.eir-parts.net/v4Contents/View.aspx?template=ir_material_for_fiscal_ym&sid=36370&code=4565 (5/22up)
※SOSEI第27回定時株主総会資料:ttp://v4.eir-parts.net/v4Contents/View.aspx?template=ir_material_for_fiscal_ym&sid=37468&code=4565 (6/22up)
※SOSEI株主通信 第27期決算号:ttp://v4.eir-parts.net/v4Contents/View.aspx?template=ir_material_for_fiscal_ym&sid=37770&code=4565 (7/3up)
※SOSEI:"Presentation Material as of July": ttp://v4.eir-parts.net/v4Contents/View.aspx?template=ir_material_for_fiscal_ym&sid=37821&code=4565 (7/5up)
※Pluristem Presentation September: ttp://www.pluristem.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Pluristem-September-2017.pdf ( 9/17up)
※MRC LMB: Brochure "Impact: Heptares Therapeutics" ttp://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/LMB_Brochure_2017.pdf (9/19up)
※Heptares: "Corporate Overview September": ttps://www.heptares.com/uploads/Heptares%20Corporate%202017%20-%20Sep.pdf (9/27up)
※Pluristem Presentation October: ttp://www.pluristem.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Pluristem-Investor-deck-29.10.2017.pdf (10/29up)
※Heptares: "Heptares GPCR StaR Technology (Japanese)": ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4KCDlZfdzg (11/7日本語版公開)
※SOSEI第2四半期決算説明会(11/9)動画(音声):ttp://www.c-hotline.net/Viewer/Default/SOSEf56638580e1f151454e3fdc7e407ca64 (11/14up)
※Richard Henderson Nobel Lecture: "From Electron Crystallography to Single Particle cryoEM": ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY4czaK4koA (12/8)
※Heptares: "Peptide-Based Drug Design using HELM": ttps://www.chemaxon.com/app/uploads/2017/12/Poster_about_HELM_and_Biomolecule_Toolkit.pdf (12/19up)
※SOSEI株主通信 第28期中間決算号:(12月予定)→1月
※SOSEI:JPモルガンAnnual Healthcare Conference発表(1/8)資料:イベント終了後公開→
0004山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 22:02:44.16ID:61qVFtNc0
0005山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 22:03:02.86ID:61qVFtNc0
※Business Insider Japan:認知症の新薬の開発を日本で加速させる。中長期的にはアメリカなどでも株式を上場させることを視野、世界のバイオテック・プレイヤーを目指す。(11/14)
※Harbor Business Online:10倍株(テンバガー)が達成後に調整もしくは暴落するのはなぜなのか?EPS予想からそーせいグループの株価は底を打った可能性がある。(11/16)
0006山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 22:03:21.38ID:61qVFtNc0
※日本経済新聞:夢の新薬をつかめ 創薬VB。日本のベンチャーも潜在力では負けていない。解析技術を評価。そーせいの強みはこの技術を用いた豊富な新薬候補だ。(11/21)
※四季報業績予想更新:(18.3予:売上高105億円、営業利益25億円、純利益4億円・19.3予:売上高115億円、営業利益20億円、純利益11億円) (11/29up)
0007山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 22:03:45.24ID:61qVFtNc0
0008山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 22:04:40.82ID:61qVFtNc0
※メルトレ:みずほ証券レポート発行。開発中の申請・承認などでバイオベンチャー企業が2018年に変曲点を迎える可能性、2018年に期待される進捗:(QVM149:試験結果開示、承認申請) (SO-1105:承認取得)。(1/9)
※SOSEI 平成30年3月期第3四半期決算発表: (2月上旬予定)
0010山師さん@トレード中 (アウアウウー Sa21-DkVE)
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2018/01/15(月) 22:32:51.71ID:yitAhSTXa
0012山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:00:26.21ID:61qVFtNc0
※MiNA: MiNA Research Featured as a HOT PAPER by OTS. Best Ones to Highlight Them! "Novel Therapeutic in Clinical Trials for Liver Cancer." (10/23)
※MiNA: "Innovate UK" Awards Grant: Exciting New Area of Research in Collaboration to "LGC LINK". Grant of up to Approximately 400,000 will Support. (11/2)
※Pluristem: Quarterly Report: Japan NewCo: The Parties have Agreed to Extend the Deadline to Enter into a Definitive Agreement Until December 31, 2017. (11/7)
※ALS Journal: "Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Type 5 (mGlu5: HTL14242) Plays a Key Role in Glial Activation in the SOD1G93A Mouse Model of MND." (11/7)
※米国特許(Heptares):CGRP Receptor Antagonists. (11/7公開)
※SOSEI:MiNA社、Boehringer Ingelheim社と線維性肝疾患の新治療法開発でライセンス契約締結。契約一時金や研究資金に加え、最大総額307百万ユーロのマイルストン受領予定。(11/8)
※SOSEI:レビー小体型認知症患者を対象とするHTL0018318の日本における臨床開発開始。提携契約を主要な認知症を追加承認取得するため改定。2018年Ph2 POC試験開始予定。(11/9)
0013山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:00:40.98ID:61qVFtNc0
※SOSEI第2四半期説明会資料:自社開発(自社での上市・販売)進捗 M1DLB, mGlu5。パイプライン開発進捗状況を更新。"AD4635のPh.1の進捗は良好、年内にP1bへの移行を予定"。(11/9up)
※AstraZeneca Q3 2017 Results, update Clinical Trials: AZD4635 (A2AR): Solid Tumours and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Phase 1: "Data Anticipated: 2018". (11/9)
※米国特許出願(MiNA):Albumin Production and Cell Proliferation. (11/9公開)
※国際特許出願(AstraZeneca):Inhibitors of Protease-Activated Receptor-2. (Inventors: AstraZeneca R&D & Heptares). (11/16公開)
※あすか製薬第説明会資料:ノルレボ売上高:2016年度上期実績:586百万円、2017年度上期実績:622百万円(前同比106.1%)、2017年度計画:1,245百万円(前同比109.3%) (11/22up)
※ClinicalTrials: Study to Compare QVM149 and Free Triple Combination (salmeterol/ fluticasone+ tiotropium): Changed, Start Date (Anticipated): 2017/10/16→"2018/1/15" (11/22update)
※LeadXpro: LeadXpro Scientists Chart the Future of Structure Based Drug Discovery. Serial Crystallography with the New XFEL Technology. A2A(Heptares) was Employed. (11/27)
0014山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:01:04.96ID:61qVFtNc0
※ClinicalTrials: Study to Compare QVM149 and Free Triple Combination (salmeterol/ fluticasone+ tiotropium): Changed, Protocol: Similar→"Non-Inferior" (11/28update)
※Pluristem: Peer-Reviewed Article Published on PLX-PAD Cells’ Mechanism of Action to Restore Blood Flow in Ischemic Tissue. "Data Supports Advanced PLX-PAD Clinical." (11/29)
※ClinicalTrials: AZD4635, Phase 1, Estimated Study Completion Date Changed: "August 23, 2019", Number of Patients Changed: 51→"156". (11/29update)
※MiNA: "Development and Mechanism of Small Activating RNA Targeting CEBPA, a Novel Therapeutic in Clinical Trials for Liver Cancer" (12/1up)
※中国COPD新薬市場の進展:Ultibro Breezhaler、2017年5月に中国で上市申請を行い、2018年には中国市場に参入予定。来年後半以降、COPD市場全体に新たな変化が起こることが予想されます。(12/8)
※Pluristem: Granted Manufacturer Authorization and GMP Certification by Israel’s Ministry of Health. "The Approval Supports the Readiness of Manufacturing Capabilities." (12/12)
※Heptares Poster: "Enabling Computational Tools for Peptide-Based Drug Design using HELM. " A new flexible tool was developed" (12/19up)
0015山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:01:29.07ID:61qVFtNc0
※ClinicalTrials: Study to Compare QVM149 and Free Triple Combination (salmeterol/ fluticasone+ tiotropium): Changed, Participants: 1251→"1500" (12/20update)
※ClinicalTrials: MEDI9447 EGFRm NSCLC Novel Combination Study (MEDI9447 with Osimertinib or AZD4635, AZD4635 with MEDI9447): "Start (Anticipated): 2018/2/9". (12/21update)
※"The Impact of IND/GLY Versus Tiotropium on Lung Function and Treatment Preference: FAVOR Study." IND/GLY was Preferred Over Tiotropium Among. Good Safety and Tolerability Profile. (12/22up)
※JITSUBO_HP:社長交代のお知らせ (金井和昭(新)代表取締役社長兼CTO←塚本晃章(新)代表取締役CFO:異動日:平成29年12月13日)。(12/25up)
※米国特許(Heptares):Orexin Receptor Antagonists. (12/26公開)
※欧州特許(Heptares):Stable Proteins. (12/27公開)
0016山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:01:56.36ID:61qVFtNc0
※Nature: "Structure of the complement C5a receptor bound to the extra-helical antagonist NDT9513727" (1/3)
※Vectura Presentation: Ultibro Q3 net sales, up 18% in Europe. Strong growth with FLAME data supporting strong, Ultibro evolution. QVM149 First regulatory submissions expected in 2019. (1/4)
※ClinicalTrials: AZD4635, Phase 1, Estimated Study Completion Date: August 23, 2019→Changed "August 13, 2019". "Phase 1b Protocol" Changed. (1/4update)
※SOSEI:サンフランシスコで開催の第36回JPモルガンAnnual Healthcare Conferenceにピーター・ベインズ出席。発表資料はイベント終了後に公開。(1/5)
※Kymab Pipeline: KY1051: Discovery Research→"Pre-Clinical Development", KY1062 (New, Add): "Discovery Research" (1/6update)
※Novartis Presentation: "Driving Growth": Ultibro, USD 291m (+8%). Key expected launches, QVM149: 2020. (J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: 1/8)
※ScientificReports: "Towards high throughput GPCR crystallography: In Meso soaking of Adenosine A2A Receptor crystals." Single crystals and seven structures are reported here of which three are novel. (1/8)
0017山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:02:41.72ID:61qVFtNc0
※Scrip: Sosei CEO Says Recent $199m Equity Raising Will Help Pipeline Expansion: its shareholder base more international and will help finance the evolution of the group's proprietary pipeline. (1/8)
※BioWorld: Sosei lands $200M to fund six Heptares’ programs, including dementia. "placing to fund clinical development of proprietary assets discovered by its U.K. subsidiary, GPCR specialist Heptares." (1/9)
※医学界: 12/28、Ultibroは正式承認。中国で最初に承認された二重拡張薬になる。Ultibro承認の良いニュースは中国COPD患者の治療に新たな希望をもたらした。2018年に中国のCOPD治療領域が前進します!(1/9)
※Pluristem: FDA Clears Pluristem’s Expanded Access Program to Initiate Treatments of Critical Limb Ischemia Outside of Ongoing Phase III Study. the use of an investigational therapy outside of clinical trials. (1/9)
※RCSB Protein Data Bank: "5O9H: Crystal structure of thermostabilised human C5a anaphylatoxin chemotactic receptor 1 (C5aR) in complex with NDT9513727." (Released: 1/10)
※Imperial College London: Imperial partners with Heptares to search for new gut drugs. "to Rapidly Advance Drug Discovery and Translational Research" (1/10)
※Heptares: Sosei subsidiary, Heptares, enters drug R&D collaboration with Imperial College London focused on multiple GPCR disease target opportunities in the gastro-intestinal trac. (1/10)
※Labiotech.eu: Marshall believes that Heptares has no real competitors in the field thanks to the company’s comprehensive approach, which looks closely at the structural biology of these receptors. (1/10)
0018山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:03:28.19ID:61qVFtNc0
※欧州特許出願(Jitsubo):Peptide Synthesis Method. (1/10公開)
※米国特許出願(Heptares):CGRP Receptor Antagonists. (1/11公開)
※ClinicalTrials: FDG-PET Study of AGN-242071 Added to Standard-of-Care (Donepezil ± Memantine): Changed, Start: 2017/11/28→"2018/2/20", Changed, Completion Date: 2018/6/4→"2018/11/4". (1/12update)
※Pluristem: PLX Cells Significantly Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth in Newly Published Study. The results show significant reduction in tumor size as well as complete tumor remission in 30% of treated recipients. (1/12)
※Translational Medicine in Zurich: "Novel Technologies Create New Molecules for Accessing Cutting-Edge Therapeutic Concepts": Andreas Pluckthun (1/22)
※Novartis Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results 2017: (1/24)
※大日本住友製薬 2018年3月期 第3四半期決算発表: (1/30)
※Pfizer Quarterly Corporate Performance - Fourth Quarter 2017: (1/30)
※第一三共2018年3月期 第3四半期決算発表: (1/31)
0019山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:03:49.25ID:61qVFtNc0
※AstraZeneca Full-Year and Q4 2017 Results: (2/2)
※あすか製薬 平成30年3月期第3四半期決算発表: (2/5)
※Allergan Q4 and FY 2017 Earnings Conference Call: (2/6)
※明治ホールディングス 平成30年3月期 第3四半期決算発表: (2/7)
※Pluristem: Interim 2018 Earnings Release: (2/7 Projected)
※Teva Q4 and FY 2017 Earnings Conference Call: (2/8)
※SOSEI 平成30年3月期第3四半期決算発表: (2月上旬予定)
※ペプチドリーム 平成30年6月期第2四半期決算発表: (2/13)
※Keystone Symposia GPCR, USA: "Using X-Ray Structures of GPCRs to Guide Drug Discovery - Challenges for Allosteric Modulators": Fiona Marshall (2/18)
※RNA Therapeutics Conference, London: "Utilising Small Activating RNA (saRNA) for Therapeutic Opportunities": Nagy Habib, MiNA, "Attend: Heptares" (2/21)
※MorphoSys Publication of Year-End 2017 Results. (3/13)
※名古屋大学細胞生理学研究センター/株式会社CeSPIA:Richard Henderson博士講演会"Electron cryomicroscopy in structural biology: progress and prospects." (名古屋大学:3/16)
※SOSEI:Richard Henderson博士ノーベル化学賞受賞記念講演イベント(当社株主対象):(東京:3月予定)
0020山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ b511-k6Kt)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:21:31.04ID:Vdrm39SD0
0021山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:30:14.92ID:61qVFtNc0
2010/12/30 (終値_1350) ※2010年大納会 ・(2011/1/4大発会_1400) ・(2011/3/15※最安値__693、2011/6/30最高値_1680)
2011/12/30 (終値_1271) ※2011年大納会 ・(2012/1/4大発会_1292) ・(2012/6/6※最安値__950、2012/9/7最高値_2967)
2012/12/28 (終値_2087) ※2012年大納会 ・(2013/1/4大発会_2061) ・(2013/1/4※最安値_2050、2013/5/7最高値_6100)
2013/12/30 (終値_4315) ※2013年大納会 ・(2014/1/6大発会_4415) ・(2014/4/22※最安値_1854、2014/9/8最高値_6000: PfizerUK)※[成長回収期の入口]ステージへ
2014/12/30 (終値_4370) ※2014年大納会 ・(2015/1/5大発会_4280)※[成功の序章(2015/3/16※最安値_2851)]→※[次なる飛躍ステージへ]→(2015/11/30※終値_6060: Pfizer)※[上抜け圏へ]
2015/12/25 (終値_9670) 売残高_7500 買残高 2282200 ※2015年大納会(2015/12/30終値_9950) ・(2016/1/4大発会10300)
2016/_4/25 (終値23230) 売残高39800 買残高 3404900 ・(2016/4/6終値14180:Allergan)※[強気相場へ]→(2016/5/9※最高値26180)→
2016/_6/24 (終値14720) 売残高10500 買残高 2486100 ・(2016/6/24安値12960)※[強気相場解除]→※[時間軸での調整局面へ] ※2016年大納会(2016/12/30終値13450)
2017/_1/_6 (終値14030) 売残高__300 買残高 2907100 ・(2017/1/4大発会13720、1/24安値12910、2/13安値12400)※[強気相場解除後の時間軸調整は順調に推移]
2017/_3/31 (終値10880) 売残高_5600 買残高 2621800 ・(3/1安値10380、4/4安値10280、5/23安値10810、6/7安値10960)※[振るい場・拾い場へ]
0022山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:30:41.47ID:61qVFtNc0
2017/_9/_8 (終値_8700) 売残高_1900 買残高 2037800 ・(7/31安値11280、8/24,29安値_8860、9/6※最安値_8590)※[拾い場も順調に推移]
2017/_9/15 (終値_8850) 売残高____0 買残高 2002400 ・(9/11安値_8630)
2017/_9/22 (終値_9200) 売残高__100 買残高 2021100 ・(9/19,20安値_8820)
2017/_9/29 (終値_9500) 売残高_1000 買残高 1961700 ・(9/26安値_8960)
2017/10/_6 (終値_9540) 売残高__400 買残高 1881200 ・(10/4安値_9090)
2017/10/13 (終値10200) 売残高_3000 買残高 1753000 ・(10/10安値_9570)
2017/10/20 (終値_9810) 売残高____0 買残高 1746900 ・(10/19安値_9740)
2017/10/27 (終値10230) 売残高__100 買残高 1644400 ・(10/23安値_9820)
2017/11/_2 (終値11090) 売残高__200 買残高 1552700 ・(10/31安値10170)
2017/11/10 (終値11230) 売残高__800 買残高 1574300 ・(11/8安値10310)
0023山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:31:34.86ID:61qVFtNc0
2017/11/17 (終値12190) 売残高_3100 買残高 1532100 ・(9/11安値_8630、10/4安値_9090、11/8安値10310)※[時間軸調整終盤、予定通りに推移]
2017/11/24 (終値11460) 売残高____0 買残高 1724600 ・(11/22安値11170)
2017/12/_1 (終値10890) 売残高__100 買残高 1812600 ・(11/30安値10800)
2017/12/_8 (終値10100) 売残高__900 買残高 1849800 ・(12/6安値_9970)
2017/12/15 (終値10870) 売残高__900 買残高 1763800 ・(12/11安値10070)
2017/12/22 (終値10550) 売残高__300 買残高 1724500 ・(12/22安値10530)
2017/12/29 (終値10940) 売残高__300 買残高 1634900 ※2017年大納会(安値10730)
2018/_1/_5 (終値10730) 5日線乖離(-1.07%) 25日線乖離(+0.94%) 75日線乖離(_+3.78%) 200日線乖離(-0.22%) (安値10530) ※2018年大発会(1/4安値10760)
2018/_1/12 (終値11700) 5日線乖離(+1.90%) 25日線乖離(+8.74%) 75日線乖離(+11.54%) 200日線乖離(+8.71%) (安値11470) ・(1/9安値10760)
2018/_1/15 (終値11750) 5日線乖離(+0.55%) 25日線乖離(+8.55%) 75日線乖離(+11.67%) 200日線乖離(+9.12%) (安値11630)
0024山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/15(月) 23:32:01.79ID:61qVFtNc0
※Technical Analysis Charts :

0025山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ c597-6xgx)
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2018/01/16(火) 00:03:19.57ID:Fy5pJ+Ke0
0026山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ a5e3-J8Na)
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2018/01/16(火) 00:40:12.16ID:PP+F8yzU0
0028山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 05:21:31.39ID:58x0IAj8d
0029山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイW eaea-xdy5)
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2018/01/16(火) 07:58:32.02ID:6zVAuUm60
0032山師さん@トレード中 (ササクッテロラ Spbd-ic3a)
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2018/01/16(火) 08:27:54.96ID:3M4ytaTwp
0033山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 08:54:13.73ID:58x0IAj8d
0036山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 09:21:12.91ID:58x0IAj8d
0038山師さん@トレード中 (スプッッ Sdea-MT97)
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2018/01/16(火) 09:43:26.79ID:dpVF0o+4d
0040山師さん@トレード中 (アウアウカー Sa55-ic3a)
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2018/01/16(火) 11:17:45.82ID:y1CUbhYRa
0043山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 11:23:20.41ID:58x0IAj8d
0045山師さん@トレード中 (ササクッテロ Spbd-ic3a)
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2018/01/16(火) 11:34:11.02ID:nELnltw6p
0047山師さん@トレード中 (ササクッテロ Spbd-95OY)
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2018/01/16(火) 12:17:32.38ID:AcOb+3BFp
0048山師さん@トレード中 (アウアウカー Sa55-ic3a)
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2018/01/16(火) 12:28:44.98ID:kCSwUkPKa
0049山師さん@トレード中 (ササクッテロ Spbd-ic3a)
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2018/01/16(火) 12:42:10.57ID:nELnltw6p
0052山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 9e8a-BwjG)
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2018/01/16(火) 13:09:46.34ID:GheN1c8t0
0053山師さん@トレード中 (スプッッ Sdea-MT97)
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2018/01/16(火) 13:51:02.00ID:dpVF0o+4d
0054山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 13:52:40.52ID:58x0IAj8d
0055山師さん@トレード中 (オイコラミネオ MM2e-Bzji)
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2018/01/16(火) 14:18:06.82ID:GneNrQa+M
0056山師さん@トレード中 (スプッッ Sdea-MT97)
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2018/01/16(火) 14:46:07.29ID:dpVF0o+4d
0057山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ c597-6xgx)
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2018/01/16(火) 14:57:27.14ID:Fy5pJ+Ke0
0059山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 14:59:44.10ID:58x0IAj8d
0060山師さん@トレード中 (ササクッテロラ Spbd-ic3a)
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2018/01/16(火) 15:00:24.06ID:3M4ytaTwp
0064山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 15:54:05.24ID:58x0IAj8d
0065山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-XhTK)
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2018/01/16(火) 16:00:01.60ID:fFyMoZfN0
※The Biochemist: UK industrial strategy and the life sciences sector.
January 15, 2018
Posted by Biochemical Society.
By Malcolm Weir, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Heptares Before Christmas, two important papers were released by HM Government namely the Industrial Strategy White Paper and the Life Sciences Sector Deal.

The first of these is a broad-based policy document representing the Government’s view of how best it can work with business and the wider community to create jobs, and increase growth and productivity.
Its policies include commitments to increased R&D expenditure, improvements in technical education and availability of people with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills,
transport and digital infrastructure investment, and regional initiatives.
At its heart though, is what they term ‘business environment’ policy which reflects the reliance of the UK economy on certain high value-add world-class industrial sectors
such as life sciences, automotive, technology, and construction alongside improving the relatively low productivity of much of the rest.
The approach laid out is rational and coherent, and had been broadly welcomed by industry.
Since some unfortunate state interventions in the 1970s, there has been a reluctance for government to be seen to get involved for fear of meddling in the market -
although it has to be said that successive administrations have taken positive steps to make the UK by common consent to be one of the best places in the world to do business.
The truth is though, as has been seen in the US, new industries emerge in environments where governments, universities, investors
and industrialists/entrepreneurs work closely together and barriers to translation of ideas through to the market are minimised.
To do this requires a strategy to be drawn up, supported and monitored.
0066山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-XhTK)
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2018/01/16(火) 16:00:17.92ID:fFyMoZfN0
Turning to our principle subject of interest - the life sciences sector - the ‘deal’ follows hard on the heels of the review by Sir John Bell and colleagues and largely seems to commit to its recommendations.
The life sciences sector is very strong in the UK in spite of the trend to pharma downsizing, which has been to a large degree balanced by the growth in biotechnology -
Oxford, Cambridge and London being the third largest global biomedical and biotechnology cluster (after Greater Boston and San Francisco).
This growth has come hand in hand over the past 20 years with improved tax incentives, direct grant funding, increased management expertise, facilities, technology transfer and so forth -
all built on top of a world class biomedical science base with critical mass.

As well as at very least preserving these advances, key issues remain to be addressed and are discussed in the document.
Getting the most from the NHS by facilitating clinical trials and accelerating access to innovative new medicines through the Accelerated Access Collaborative would make a big difference
to all parties (biomedical, industrial and patient) and could make the UK consistently a territory of choice for drug development.
Easy, rapid recruitment and a welcoming environment for skilled people from overseas (obviously post-Brexit for EU people, but ultimately the pool is global)
is critical both for academia and industry, especially rapidly growing specialised start-ups.
Greater investment held for longer periods (‘patient capital’) by the likes of pension funds and from specialist healthcare funds is needed to enable small companies to scale up.
Apprenticeship schemes will be used to address skills gaps.
There are a variety of other initiatives laid out in the document which can be skim-read quite easily.
0067山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-XhTK)
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2018/01/16(火) 16:00:34.41ID:fFyMoZfN0
In summary, the Life Science Sector Deal has as far as I can see been well received by the various stakeholders and should probably be declared a ‘good thing’.
Some of it is about ways of working together, which is about being bothered and making things happen. Much of it requires continued or increased committed public and private funding,
which of course in turn depends on the UK’s economic performance and on competing pressures for money.
Obviously there is much concern about Brexit, but that will pass and there is reason for optimism that a sensible deal will be struck.
Whatever happens in the wider political landscape it is vital we make the most of the opportunities that present themselves.

Malcolm is Chief R&D Officer of Sosei and CEO of Heptares, its wholly-owned subsidiary.
Following many years in Glaxo Wellcome and in biotech, he co-Founded Heptares in 2007 with Fiona Marshall,
Chris Tate and Richard Henderson (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge) based on unique technology for structure-based drug design to G protein-coupled receptors.
The company now has drugs in the clinic for Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, psychosis and cancer.
He is Visiting Professor of Biochemistry at Imperial College London, where he received BSc and PhD degrees in Biochemistry and Chemistry.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and received the RSC’s Malcolm Campbell Memorial Prize in 2015, and an Honorary DSc from the University of Hertfordshire in 2016.
He is a Trustee of the Biochemical Society.
0068山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-XhTK)
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2018/01/16(火) 16:01:35.52ID:fFyMoZfN0
※みんなの株式:【買い】そーせいグループ(4565)深刻的疾患に一石を投じる◆あすなろ投資顧問 加藤あきら◆
1/16 08:42
0069山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-XhTK)
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2018/01/16(火) 16:02:25.35ID:fFyMoZfN0
Heptares Approach Extends well Beyond our Growing Pipeline. UK be Relocating to the Cambridge Area in "July 2018."
2015/_2/20 (終値_3780) 売残高14200 買残高 1530800 ・(2015/2/21Heptares子会社化: 2015/3/16※最安値2851)※[成功の序章ステージへ]
2015/10/30 (終値_4320) 売残高11400 買残高 2217900 ・(2015/9/24※安値3550) (2015/10/29※終値3885:Utibron・Seebri米国承認)※[次なる飛躍ステージへ]
2016/_4/25 (終値23230) 売残高39800 買残高 3404900 ・(2016/4/6終値14180:Allergan)※[強気相場へ]→(2016/5/9※最高値26180)→
2016/_6/24 (終値14720) 売残高10500 買残高 2486100 ・(2016/6/24安値12960)※[強気相場解除]→※[時間軸での調整局面へ] ※2016年大納会(2016/12/30終値13450)
2017/_1/_6 (終値14030) 売残高__300 買残高 2907100 ・(2017/1/24安値12910、2/13安値12400)※[強気相場解除後の時間軸調整は順調に推移]
2017/_3/31 (終値10880) 売残高_5600 買残高 2621800 ・(3/1安値10380、4/4安値10280、5/23安値10810、6/7安値10960)※[振るい場・拾い場へ]
2017/_9/_8 (終値_8700) 売残高_1900 買残高 2037800 ・(7/31安値11280、8/24,29安値_8860、9/6※最安値_8590)※[拾い場も順調に推移]
2017/11/17 (終値12190) 売残高_3100 買残高 1532100 ・(9/11安値_8630、10/4安値_9090、11/8安値10310)※[時間軸調整終盤、予定通りに推移]
2017/12/29 (終値10940) 売残高__300 買残高 1634900 ※2017年大納会(安値10730) ・(12/6安値_9970)
_1/_4 (終値10800)5日線乖離(+0.30%) 25日線乖離(_+1.30%) 75日線乖離(_+4.71%) 200日線乖離(_+0.36%) (安値10760) ※2018年大発会
_1/_5 (終値10730) 5日線乖離(-1.07%) 25日線乖離(_+0.94%) 75日線乖離(_+3.78%) 200日線乖離(_-0.22%) (安値10530)
_1/_9 (終値11550) 5日線乖離(+5.46%) 25日線乖離(_+8.47%) 75日線乖離(+11.31%) 200日線乖離(_+7.40%) (安値10760)
_1/10 (終値11890) 5日線乖離(+6.33%) 25日線乖離(+11.28%) 75日線乖離(+14.15%) 200日線乖離(+10.55%) (安値11710)
_1/11 (終値11540) 5日線乖離(+2.11%) 25日線乖離(_+7.74%) 75日線乖離(+10.41%) 200日線乖離(_+7.25%) (安値11460)
_1/12 (終値11700) 5日線乖離(+1.90%) 25日線乖離(_+8.74%) 75日線乖離(+11.54%) 200日線乖離(_+8.71%) (安値11470)
_1/15 (終値11750) 5日線乖離(+0.55%) 25日線乖離(_+8.55%) 75日線乖離(+11.67%) 200日線乖離(+9.12%) (安値11630)
_1/16 (終値11740) 5日線乖離(+0.14%) 25日線乖離(_+7.75%) 75日線乖離(+11.21%) 200日線乖離(+9.00%) (安値11380)

※Technical Analysis Charts :

0070山師さん@トレード中 (ペラペラ SD12-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 17:12:35.64ID:efPPgTLYD
0071山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-XhTK)
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2018/01/16(火) 17:30:12.03ID:fFyMoZfN0
12/29 (終値10940) 売残高__300 買残高 1634900(_-89600) ※2017年大納会(12/29安値10730) ・(12/6安値_9970)
_1/12 (終値11700) 売残高_3400 買残高 1507400(-127500)※1/16up (安値11470) ※2018年大発会(1/4終値10800、1/4安値10760) ・(1/5安値10530) (1/9安値10760)
_1/16 (終値11740) 5日線乖離(+0.14%) 25日線乖離(+7.75%) 75日線乖離(+11.21%) 200日線乖離(+9.00%) (安値11380)

※Heptares_HP_Publications: Add. (1/16update)
・"Structure of the complement C5a receptor bound to the extra-helical antagonist NDT9513727". Nature 2018.
・"Agonists and Antagonists of Protease-Activated Receptor 2 Discovered within a DNA-Encoded Chemical Library Using Mutational Stabilization of the Target". SLAS 2018.
・"Towards high throughput GPCR crystallography: In Meso soaking of Adenosine A2A Receptor crystals". Scientific Reports 2018.
・"Structural Mapping of Adenosine Receptor Mutations: Ligand Binding and Signaling Mechanisms". Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 2018.
0072山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 790f-Un5q)
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2018/01/16(火) 17:38:57.87ID:kcMAqtms0
0074山師さん@トレード中 (アウアウカー Sa55-ic3a)
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2018/01/16(火) 18:13:22.91ID:7BFvBBJya
0077山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/16(火) 19:47:54.14ID:58x0IAj8d
0078山師さん@トレード中 (ササクッテロレ Spbd-zkuo)
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2018/01/16(火) 19:51:23.01ID:/R9UJQ2dp
0080山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ c597-6xgx)
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2018/01/16(火) 19:53:25.50ID:Fy5pJ+Ke0
0082山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/16(火) 21:00:11.59ID:fFyMoZfN0
※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material:"Introduction to SOSEI Group, July 2017": ttp://v4.eir-parts.net/v4Contents/View.aspx?template=ir_material_for_fiscal_ym&sid=37821&code=4565 (7/5up)
※Heptares Presentation:"Corporate Overview September": ttps://www.heptares.com/uploads/Heptares%20Corporate%202017%20-%20Sep.pdf (9/27up)
※Heptares: J.P.Morgan Healthcare Conference, Jan 8-11, 2018, San Francisco: "Attend: Executive Management Team (Business Development Event)" (11/9up)
※SOSEI:サンフランシスコで開催の第36回JPモルガンAnnual Healthcare Conferenceにピーター・ベインズ出席。発表資料はイベント終了後に公開。(1/5)
※Scrip: Sosei CEO Says Recent $199m Equity Raising Will Help Pipeline Expansion: its shareholder base more international and will help finance the evolution of the group's proprietary pipeline. (1/8)
※BioWorld: Sosei lands $200M to fund six Heptares’ programs, including dementia. "placing to fund clinical development of proprietary assets discovered by its U.K. subsidiary, GPCR specialist Heptares." (1/9)

※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material:"Sosei Group Corporation, 36th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, 8 January 2018." (1/16 10:30up)
A Japan-listed biotech with a difference: (Listed 2004 in Tokyo (TSE Mothers: 4565), Global management team, Main scientific campus in the U.K., Market capitalization: c.$2.0bn.)
・World-leader in GPCR-focused drug design based on unique IP protected StaR GPCR technology & enabled SBDD platform.
・Partnered clinical-stage pipeline in neurology, immuno-oncology, CNS & other diseases, with up to c.$6bn in potential economics.
・Proprietary pipeline led by dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) Phase 2 program in Japan, plus multiple novel candidates in development.
・Strategic investment in saRNA therapeutics with lead candidate in Phase 1/2a for liver cancer, an orphan indication
・Growing royalties from legacy respiratory products provide source non-dilutive cash flows.
・Strong cash position of c.$300m to drive global growth strategy: 1. Stabilized receptor technology; 2. Structure-based drug design.
Tokyo listed, global operations. We are building Japan’s first biotech champion.

Three corporate events have shaped Sosei: Platform: StaR technology for stabilising GPCRs; Partnered GPCR pipeline; Proprietary GPCR pipeline. Our world-leading Partners.
・Our patent-protected StaR technology enables Structure-Based Drug Design, consolidating our position as the world leader in GPCR medicine discovery and design.
Vast opportunity targeting GPCRs, however many high-value targets remain untapped: GPCRs are the backbone of the pharma industry. (GPCRs/StaR)
・GPCRs are active in a wide range of disease areas, and offer broad therapeutic potential.
・Targeting first-in-class or best-in-class GPCR medicines.
StaR technology enables us to stabilize and “unlock” GPCRs: Revolution for GPCR structure-based discovery. (GPCRs/StaR)
・StaR proteins enable crystallisation for structural determination, and the technology is protected by a robust IP estate and high levels of know-how.
・StaR proteins enable SME, peptide or antibody discovery.
Risk-balanced strategy to leverage leadership and capitalize on GPCR opportunity: Creates and captures value. (Business Model)
・Reserving the right to choose which strategy is most appropriate for each drug candidate, with a goal to commercialize ourselves in selected indications and markets.
0083山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/16(火) 21:00:40.72ID:fFyMoZfN0
Advancing a Partnered GPCR pipeline in multiple therapeutic areas: Balanced and diversified. (Partnered GPCR Pipeline: Current stage, Next 12–15 months progress)
・Multiple big pharma partners, across multiple modalities, validate our StaR and SBDD approach.
Up to $6bn in potential economics secured from lead Partnered compounds: Provides potential source of non-dilutive financing. (Partnered GPCR Pipeline)
・c.$6bn in potential development, regulatory and commercial milestones to come, in addition to royalties on sales
Muscarinic M1 receptor agonist program for AD: A novel approach for symptomatic treatment of AD. (Partnered GPCR Pipeline: M1 AD: Phase 1b: Allergan)
・Selective muscarinic M1 receptor agonism offers a potential first-in-class therapy for AD patients.
HTL0018318 is a potential first-in-class therapy for AD: Highly selective M1 receptor agonist derived from StaR and SBDD. (Partnered GPCR Pipeline: M1 AD: Phase 1b: Allergan)
・Selectivity is crucial. HTL0018318 has a differentiated mechanism of action with the potential to optimise symptomatic benefits in AD patients.

Adenosine A2A antagonist program for cancer treatment: Exciting I/O treatment approach. (Partnered GPCR Pipeline: A2A: Phase 1b: AstraZeneca)
・Immunotherapies are at the forefront of cancer treatment with strong forecast growth for I/O drugs. A2A antagonists represent an exciting I/O treatment approach.
AZD4635 is a highly potent and selective A2A antagonist: The first A2A antagonist structurally derived from StaR and SBDD. (Partnered GPCR Pipeline: A2A: Phase 1b: AstraZeneca)
・AZD4635 enhances the anti-tumor activity of anti-PD-L1 checkpoint inhibitors in established MC38 syngenic tumors.
Proprietary pipeline now led by M1 DLB opportunity in Japan: Focus on selected rare/orphan and specialty indications or markets. (Proprietary GPCR Pipeline: Current stage, Next 12–15 months progress)
・Investment in StaR technology driving Proprietary GPCR pipeline progress – up to 3 novel drug candidates to enter Phase 1 every year commencing CY2018.
Sosei is advancing HTL0018318 for DLB in Japan: Highly selective M1 receptor agonist designed by StaR and SBDD. (Proprietary GPCR Pipeline: M1 DLB: Phase 2 ready)
・Strong go-to-market opportunity for our lead M1 program in Japan. Significant unmet medical and social need for a new therapeutic approach to tackle DLB in Japan.
Strategic investment in saRNA technology: CEBPA is an attractive, previously ‘undruggable’ target in liver disease. (Strategic Investment: CEBPA Phase 1/2a: MiNA Therapeutics)
・We are excited about the potential of saRNA therapeutics. MiNA’s recent deal with Boehringer Ingelheim further supports MiNA/saRNA’s potential.
0084山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/16(火) 21:01:11.39ID:fFyMoZfN0
Continuing to invest and scale the business: Allergan upfront milestone in FY2016 drives P&L variance. (Financials)
・PLUS c.$200m raised in November 2017 via a Global Offering of shares to international investors.
・Pro forma cash balance of c.$300m provides runway of approx. 2-3 years based on organic business plan.

Thank you!:
(Listed 2004 in Tokyo (TSE Mothers: 4565), Global management team, Main scientific campus in the U.K., Market capitalization: c.$2.0bn.)
・World-leader in GPCR-focused drug design based on unique IP protected StaR GPCR technology & enabled SBDD platform.
・Partnered clinical-stage pipeline in neurology, immuno-oncology, CNS & other diseases, with up to c.$6bn in potential economics.
・Proprietary pipeline led by dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) Phase 2 program in Japan, plus multiple novel candidates in development.
・Strategic investment in saRNA therapeutics with lead candidate in Phase 1/2a for liver cancer, an orphan indication.
・Growing royalties from legacy respiratory products provide source non-dilutive cash flows.
・Strong cash position of c.$300m to drive global growth strategy.
Sosei is a Japan-listed biotech with a difference.
0085山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/16(火) 22:30:21.81ID:fFyMoZfN0
※Pluristem: Company Presentation September 2017: ttp://www.pluristem.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Pluristem-September-2017.pdf ( 9/17up)
※Pluristem: Company Presentation October 2017: ttp://www.pluristem.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Pluristem-Investor-deck-29.10.2017.pdf (10/29up)

※Pluristem: Company Presentation January 2018. (1/16up)
A Change in Regulatory Environment: CLI (PLX-PAD): Japan, PMDA Accelerated Regulatory Pathway.
Company Pipeline: Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI): Japan (Via PMDA’s accelerated regulatory pathway for regenerative therapies) Single pivotal study.
Clinical Development of CLI in Japan: PMDA Japan, Sosei CVC
・Accepted to the PMDA’s accelerated regulatory pathway for regenerative therapies.
・A single 75 patient study may lead to early conditional marketing approval and reimbursement.
・Binding term sheet with Sosei CVC to establish joint venture for the clinical development and commercialization of PLX-PAD for CLI in Japan.
Upcoming Milestones - 12 Months:
Initiate Pivotal Studies:
・Critical limb ischemia (CLI) - U.S., Europe (Japan yet to start).
Business Development:
・Japan - Finalize joint venture.
0086山師さん@トレード中 (アウアウカー Sa55-ic3a)
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2018/01/16(火) 23:12:40.38ID:PgDlIrfEa
0087山師さん@トレード中 (スッップ Sd0a-Ywka)
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2018/01/17(水) 00:31:17.37ID:gWLBZ5Tyd
0089山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:55:12.89ID:E1+qwUqw0
※英国特許出願(Heptares):Novel GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Peptides. (1/10公開)
・Publication Number: GB 2551945 A (PCT)
・Publication Date: 2018/1/10
・Applicants: Heptares Therapeutics Ltd
A compound of formula (I): (I) wherein Q is optionally substituted phenyl or monocyclic heteroaryl; x is an integer from 1 to 3; R1 & R2 are hydrogen or C1-6 alkyl, or form a ring;
aa1 is an amino acid; G is glycinyl;T is L-threoninyl; aa2 is an amino acid; W is L-serinyl or 2,3-diaminopropionyl; aa3 is an amino acid; aa4 is an amino acid; aa5 is a linking group;
Z is hydrogen, -COOR8 or -CONR9R10; R8, R9 and R10 are hydrogen or C1-6 alkyl; or a tautomeric or stereochemically isomeric form or a prodrug, salt or zwitterion thereof.
The compounds of formula (I) are Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist peptides and are useful in treating diseases or conditions mediated by insulin, such as diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2.
The invention further relates to compositions containing said peptides and processes for their preparation.
0090山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:55:41.77ID:E1+qwUqw0
※Doctors newspaper: COPD "We live in the age of dual bronchodilation!" (1/16)
If it is possible to efficiently deflate the lungs of COPD patients, this can also increase cardiac output. This makes it easier for those affected to get more exercise again.
BERLIN: Dual bronchodilation in COPD therapy has been upgraded. This is reflected, among other things, in the updated recommendations of the Global Initiative for COPD (GOLD).
"We know that we can achieve a FEV1 increase of 300 to 350 ml with dual bronchodilation," explained Professor Marek Lommatzsch, University of Rostock.
The decisive factor is not only that the respiratory tract is widened, but also that the lungs are blown out, according to the pneumologist at an event supported by Berlin-Chemie.
This deflating was surprisingly strong, on average up to 700 ml. So the patient could take a deep breath, strain better.
LAMA / LABA also strengthens heart:
In addition, as the CLAIM study has shown, de-bloating also has a direct effect on the heart (ERS 2017, Abstract 2899).
In the study of the group led by Professor Jens Hohlfeld, MH Hannover, 62 COPD patients with marked hyperinflation received a dual bronchodilator (indacaterol / glycopyrronium, 110/50 μg q.d.) or placebo.
After 14 days, the change in the left ventricular end-diastolic volume was determined by means of magnetic resonance tomography.
The LV volume improved significantly by 10.3 ml, cardiac output increased (> 0.2 l / min / m2). In addition, there was a bloating, the residual volume decreased on average by 750 ml (p <0.0001).
"This study will make history," says Lommatzsch, because it shows that inhalative therapy improves cardiac output. Better cardiac output is often associated with increased activity. 
0091山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:56:13.30ID:E1+qwUqw0
※The American Lawyer International: Paul Hastings, DLA Piper Expand Tokyo Offices. (1/16)
Corporate partner Eiji Kobayashi has joined Paul Hastings from Norton Rose Fulbright, while Jones Day duo Kaoru Umino and Dan Matsuda have moved to DLA Piper.
Paul Hastings and DLA Piper have expanded their Tokyo offices with lateral hires.
Eiji Kobayashi has joined Paul Hastings from Norton Rose Fulbright, where he led the Tokyo office’s corporate practice.
Kobayashi, along with two associates, will assist Paul Hastings’ Japanese clients on outbound acquisitions, cross-border investigations and compliance challenges, according to a statement.
Kobayashi moved to Norton Rose Fulbright in 2015 from the Japanese firm Nishimura & Asahi, where he had led the cross-border transactions group.
In 2015, he was part of the Norton Rose team representing Pfizer Inc. on a drug discovery collaboration with London-based Heptares Therapeutics Ltd. to develop new medicine.
According to data compiled by Thomson Reuters, Japan’s M&A volume totaled $142.2 billion in 2017, down 26.2 percent from a year earlier - its lowest level since 2014.
Outbound deals from Japan, in particular, had a slow year, totaling $59.7 billion - a 38 percent decline from 2016.
But inbound private equity deals targeting Japan hit $29.5 billion - their highest level since 1980, nearly triple the 2016 volume.
0092山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:57:05.45ID:E1+qwUqw0
※Business Weekly Cambridge: Heptares and Imperial tackle gastrointestinal tract disease. (1/16)
Sosei subsidiary Heptares Therapeutics has entered a new drug research and development collaboration with Imperial College London.
The multi-year collaboration unites complementary teams at Heptares and Imperial seeking to rapidly advance drug discovery and translational research focused on multiple new and existing G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) disease target opportunities associated with the gastro-intestinal tract.
Heptares is set to relocate to a new 35,000 sq ft facility at Granta Park, Cambridge in-mid 2018 by which time local headcount should be up to 130.
0093山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:57:40.75ID:E1+qwUqw0
※Drug Profile: Research programme: GPCR targeting therapeutics - Heptares/Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine. (1/16up)
・Latest Information Update: 16 Jan 2018
Alternative Names:
・Research programme - G protein-coupled modulators - Heptares/Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine;
・Research programme - G protein-coupled modulators - Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine/Heptares;
・Research programme: GPCR targeting therapeutics - Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine/Heptares.
At a glance:
・Originator: Heptares Therapeutics; Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.
・Class: Small molecules.
・Mechanism of Action: G protein-coupled receptor modulators.
・Orphan Drug Status: No
・New Molecular Entity: Yes
・Highest Development Phases: Research Gastrointestinal disorders.
Most Recent Events:
・10 Jan 2018, Heptares Therapeutics and Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine agree to co-develop GPCR-targeting therapeutics for Gastro-intestinal disorders.
・10 Jan 2018, Early research in Gastrointestinal disorders in United Kingdom (unspecified route).
0094山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:58:09.29ID:E1+qwUqw0
※R&D Agreement - 10 Jan 2018, Profile: Heptares Therapeutics, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. (1/16up)
Drugs: Not related | Indications: Gastrointestinal disorders.
・In January 2018, Heptares Therapeutics and Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine entered into a drug research and development collaboration to develop drug candidates designed to target multiple new and existing G protein-coupled receptors implicated in severe gastro-intestinal disorders.
・Under the terms of collaboration, Heptares will fund and support target discovery and validation and will be responsible for the progression and commercialisation of any compounds resulting from the collaboration.
・No further details were disclosed.
0095山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 06:00:14.85ID:E1+qwUqw0
Heptares Approach Extends well Beyond our Growing Pipeline. UK be Relocating to the Cambridge Area in "July 2018."
※ClinicalTrials: MEDI9447 EGFRm NSCLC Novel Combination Study(MEDI9447 with Osimertinib or AZD4635, AZD4635 with MEDI9447): "Start (Anticipated): 2018/2/9". (12/21update)
※Nature: "Structure of the complement C5a receptor bound to the extra-helical antagonist NDT9513727" (1/3)
※ClinicalTrials: AZD4635, Phase 1, Estimated Study Completion Date: August 23, 2019→Changed "August 13, 2019". "Phase 1b Protocol" Changed. (1/4update)
※SOSEI:サンフランシスコで開催の第36回JPモルガンAnnual Healthcare Conferenceにピーター・ベインズ出席。発表資料はイベント終了後公開。(1/5)
※Kymab Pipeline: KY1051: Discovery Research→"Pre-Clinical Development", KY1062 (New, Add): "Discovery Research" (1/6update)
※ScientificReports: "Towards high throughput GPCR crystallography: In Meso soaking of Adenosine A2A Receptor crystals." Single crystals and seven structures are reported here of which three are novel. (1/8)
※Scrip: Sosei CEO Says Recent $199m Equity Raising Will Help Pipeline Expansion: its shareholder base more international and will help finance the evolution of the group's proprietary pipeline. (1/8)
※BioWorld: Sosei lands $200M to fund six Heptares’ programs, including dementia. "placing to fund clinical development of proprietary assets discovered by its U.K. subsidiary, GPCR specialist Heptares." (1/9)
※医学界: 12/28、Ultibroは正式承認。中国で最初に承認された二重拡張薬になる。Ultibro承認の良いニュースは中国COPD患者の治療に新たな希望をもたらした。2018年に中国のCOPD治療領域が前進します!(1/9)
※Pluristem: FDA Clears Pluristem’s Expanded Access Program to Initiate Treatments of Critical Limb Ischemia Outside of Ongoing Phase III Study. the use of an investigational therapy outside of clinical trials. (1/9)
※ClinicalTrials: FDG-PET Study of AGN-242071 Added to Standard-of-Care (Donepezil ± Memantine): Changed, Start: 2017/11/28→"2018/2/20", Changed, Completion Date: 2018/6/4→"2018/11/4". (1/12update)
※Pluristem: PLX Cells Significantly Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth in Newly Published Study. The results show significant reduction in tumor size as well as complete tumor remission in 30% of treated recipients. (1/12)
※The Biochemist: "UK industrial strategy and the life sciences sector." By Malcolm Weir, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Heptares. (1/15)
※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material: J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, 8 January 2018. ttp://v4.eir-parts.net/v4Contents/View.aspx?template=ir_material_for_fiscal_ym&sid=44192&code=4565 (1/16up)
※Heptares_HP_Publications: 4 Titles Add. (1/16update)
※Pluristem: Company Presentation January 2018: ttp://www.pluristem.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Pluristem-January-2018.pdf (1/16up)
※Translational Medicine in Zurich: "Novel Technologies Create New Molecules for Accessing Cutting-Edge Therapeutic Concepts": Andreas Pluckthun (1/22)
※Novartis Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results 2017: (1/24)
※SOSEI 平成30年3月期第3四半期決算発表: (2月上旬予定)
0096山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 06:00:53.72ID:E1+qwUqw0
2015/_2/20 (終値_3780) 売残高14200 買残高 1530800 ・(2015/2/21Heptares子会社化: 2015/3/16※最安値2851)※[成功の序章ステージへ]→(2015/9/24※安値3550)
2015/10/30 (終値_4320) 売残高11400 買残高 2217900 ・ (2015/10/29※終値3885米国承認)※[次なる飛躍ステージへ] →(2015/11/30※終値_6060: Pfizer)※[上抜け圏へ]
2016/_4/25 (終値23230) 売残高39800 買残高 3404900 ・(2016/4/6終値14180:Allergan)※[強気相場へ]→(2016/5/9※最高値26180)→
2016/_6/24 (終値14720) 売残高10500 買残高 2486100 ・(2016/6/24安値12960)※[強気相場解除]→※[時間軸での調整局面へ] ※2016年大納会(2016/12/30終値13450)
_1/_6 (終値14030) 売残高__300 買残高 2907100 ・(2017/1/24安値12910、2/13安値12400)※[強気相場解除後の時間軸調整は順調に推移]
_3/31 (終値10880) 売残高_5600 買残高 2621800 ・(3/1安値10380、4/4安値10280、5/23安値10810、6/7安値10960)※[振るい場・拾い場へ]
_9/_8 (終値_8700) 売残高_1900 買残高 2037800 ・(7/31安値11280、8/24,29安値_8860、9/6※最安値_8590)※[拾い場も順調に推移]
_9/15 (終値_8850) 売残高____0 買残高 2002400 ・(9/11安値_8630)
_9/22 (終値_9200) 売残高__100 買残高 2021100 ・(9/19,20安値_8820)
_9/29 (終値_9500) 売残高_1000 買残高 1961700 ・(9/26安値_8960)
10/_6 (終値_9540) 売残高__400 買残高 1881200 ・(10/4安値_9090)
10/13 (終値10200) 売残高_3000 買残高 1753000 ・(10/10安値_9570)
10/20 (終値_9810) 売残高____0 買残高 1746900 ・(10/19安値_9740)
10/27 (終値10230) 売残高__100 買残高 1644400 ・(10/23安値_9820)
11/_2 (終値11090) 売残高__200 買残高 1552700 ・(10/31安値10170)
11/10 (終値11230) 売残高__800 買残高 1574300 ・(11/8安値10310)
11/17 (終値12190) 売残高_3100 買残高 1532100 ・(9/11安値_8630、10/4安値_9090、11/8安値10310)※[時間軸調整終盤、予定通りに推移]
11/24 (終値11460) 売残高____0 買残高 1724600 ・(11/22安値11170)
12/_1 (終値10890) 売残高__100 買残高 1812600 ・(11/30安値10800)
12/_8 (終値10100) 売残高__900 買残高 1849800 ・(12/6安値_9970)
12/15 (終値10870) 売残高__900 買残高 1763800 ・(12/11安値10070)
12/22 (終値10550) 売残高__300 買残高 1724500 ・(12/22安値10530)
12/29 (終値10940) 売残高__300 買残高 1634900(_-89600) ※2017年大納会(安値10730)
_1/12 (終値11700) 売残高_3400 買残高 1507400(-127500)※1/16up (安値11470) ※2018年大発会(1/4終値10800) ・(1/5安値10530) (1/9安値10760)
_1/16 (終値11740) 5日線乖離(+0.14%) 25日線乖離(+7.75%) 75日線乖離(+11.21%) 200日線乖離(+9.00%) (安値11380)
0097山師さん@トレード中 (ワッチョイ 898e-5P5V)
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2018/01/17(水) 06:01:34.93ID:E1+qwUqw0
※Technical Analysis Charts :


0098山師さん@トレード中 (ササクッテロロ Spbd-95OY)
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2018/01/17(水) 07:31:21.54ID:9Twaiokhp
0099山師さん@トレード中 (オイコラミネオ MM2e-vUYA)
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2018/01/17(水) 07:35:54.99ID:dawFKHQNM
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