11 非通知さん@アプリ起動中 (アウアウエー Sa8a-yed5 []) sage 2019/05/30(木) 01:32:03.83 ID:zdZH300Va
Dear Sirs.

I am writing this e-mail to accuse one game incites gaming disorders, which I am facing.

This game, called "Granblue Fantasy” , is a video game played by over 500k Active Users.
In this game, Guild-War System called "Unite-and-Fight" held every 1-2 months.
During this event, crews of Guild fight and attempt to gain more "honor point" than their competing Guild.
Crew gains rewards called "Valor Badges" accordance to Guild win or lose for each Rounds, and also by place in top of individual ranking.

There are three reasons "Unite and Fight" incites gaming disorders.
First, this event has excessively long constrained time.
The Preliminary round starts from 19:00 to 23:59 of next day, for 29 consecutive hours.
To place in top-rank in individual ranking, crew must fight without sleep.
Finals starts from 7:00 to 23:59 each days, for 4 series days.
Each crew forced to fight by psychologically or by rule of Guild.

Second, rewards from “Unite and Fight” are extremely high.
If crews placed in top rank and wins all rounds, they will gain "Valor Badges" enough to exchange most valuable item in this game.
This item is highly desired by crews and 25,000 people bought 500USD Blu-Ray box since this items attached as special gift.